Thursday, March 20, 2008


"And We did not send you, Oh Muhammad, except to bring Rahmat (blessings) to all mankind" -- a verse from the Quran.

My friends, have a blessed celebration today -- the 12th day of Rabi'ul Awwal which marks the birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

My Muslim brothers and sisters -- let us join in reciting the selawat!



Sue.Aleen said...

kak ena,
selamat menyambut maulidur Rasul juga... missed your Tuesday With Bapak...

KeL@T said...

salam maulidur rasul yek...

Letting the time pass me by said...

I think it is great that we are celebrating the maulidur rasul today...

Maybe all the appointed laedesr could follow the eaxample of our great prophet who is humble, trustworthy, honest and have full of examplary qualities.

In my opinion, Tuan Guru Nik Aziz have some of the qualities of a great Muslim leader...

BaitiBadarudin said...

salam maulidurrasul; mudah-mudahan para pemimpin mencontohi Nabi Muhammad (saw).