Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Don't Interfere!" Samy Vellu Tells Tun Dr M

Former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad spoke his mind, as he usually does and said that Isa Samad would be a wrong choice as Barisan Naional candidate for Bagan Pinang (state by-election).

Now....what is wrong with that?
Someone else will say that Isa is the right choice.

The Tun is entitled to his opinion. And that does not qualify as "interfering" in BN affairs.
He is after all, a former BN chairman. He is not telling the PM (Najib Razak) or the DPM (Muhyidddin Yassin) to listen to him.

And Dr M does not expect either of them to listen to him.

Looks like there will be more of this kind of remarks from the MIC supreme leader, specially dedicated to Dr M.


Anonymous said...

Similarly,Samy Vellu spoke his mind and told his mentor off.It is a time honoured principle in BN that one should not interfere in other parties. We may disagree with him but will fight for his right to disagree.

Anonymous said...

He will listen to whoever in Power.

If Tun is the PM he will say-YES SIR.

Old Fart said...

If you or I were to say anything, we'd be ignored. When Mahathir says anything,now that could validly be construed to be interfering.

Yes, Mahathir is damned. He cannot speak or talk like you or I can. The barriers for him are a little different from those that apply to me. The impact of what Mahathir says are different from the same thing said by you or me. Indeed I think Mahathir has been a little too kind in saying what he has said about Samy. I believe I have said a lot worse. But its what Mahathir says that matters.

Mahathir obviously knows and recognises the impact of what he says. Obviously his intentions are clear in that the intends that Samy will leave the scene. Consciously he is interfering. And I am not going to ask him to apologise as I too have the same end result in mind for Samy. That he leaves the scene. But as the consequent result of Samy's departure, this is where my hopes may not be the same as that of Mahathir's. My hope is for MIC to just wind up and there be no political leadership for Malaysian Indians and there be no political representation for Indians. Let those who need our votes serve us. now that sounds better!!

julian said...

i full agree with Old Fart especially the last part, but for mahathir he is just a bitter forgetful OLD man.
in case i forgot SELAMAT HARI RAYA Nuraina to you and family

Premium Business said...

Pembangkang sedang menahan kegembiraan dan menunggu saat merayakan kemenangan awal jika Isa Samad dicalonkan.

Tun hanya melepaskan tanggungjawab melalui pandangannya.

Yang kena berfikiran jauh ialah Najib dan Muhyiddin.

Dalam kes Samy Vellu - lambat laun dia akan jadi cacing kepanasan dan kambing hitam berganda.

wishediwaswrong said...

Sammy thinks that BN is MIC. Imagine if he were PM! Bye bye personal opinions.

artchan said...

MIC and MCA are ass lickers..If PM is Tun..they lick Tun..when PM was Pak Lah, they lick Pak Lah....and now they lick Najib.

My point is UMNO Prez like to be licked. Period.

After Tun left, everybody whacked him..Samy etc..even Nazri. Now no one has nice words for Pak Lah.
Mark my word..when Najib goes..he will be treated like dirt. Such is the standard on BN leaders.

Everyone is on thebandwagon of
1Malaysia, becos Najib says so.

Tun had 2020..all is forgotten..then we had Islam one says a word about it. This is Malaysia, where leaders are treated like dirt when they leave.

Donplaypuks® said...

Let's say Samy retires and then tells UMNO that they should not support Najib for UMNO re-election when the time comes because Najib has all thes allegations, including murder, hanging over his head.

UMNO will accpt this as fair comment or.....?

We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

straycat's strut said...

"Don't Interfere!" Samy Vellu Tells Tun Dr M


Well, Pak Lah said the same thing to Tun before and the rest is history.

Anonymous said...

Puan Nuraina,

Doesn't matter who is the proposed candidate that gonna representing any party as long as the record is clean. That what happened in Manik Urai. A bold move to nominate any Tom, Dick or Harry (but of course a guy with a clean record) to be offered to represent the rakyat but then it has proven to be a worthy undertaking.


Anonymous said...

Voters don't interfere with MIC also. We just ignore them!


Anonymous said...

straycat's strut said...

"Don't Interfere!" Samy Vellu Tells Tun Dr M


Well, Pak Lah said the same thing to Tun before and the rest is history.

10:16 PM

And history tend to repeat if peoples still making the same mistake.




you said: "Let's say Samy retires and then tells UMNO that they should not support Najib for UMNO re-election when the time comes because Najib has all thes allegations, including murder, hanging over his head.

UMNO will accpt this as fair comment or.....?"


you know what -- that will be samy's views and his alone. and Umno and everyone else should respect his right to express himself.

Anonymous said...

Tun, jangan pedulikan itu orang lain punye caka. Itu orang mana ada tau belakang itu cerita serupa bikin mana ada tau punya. Diarong pandai cakap saja macam itu orang hisap dada. Belakang kereja punya orang Tun juga kasi. Jangan dengar itu orang caka. Kerena Tun juga kita ada itu KLCC manyak tinggi. Saya tiap-taip hari juga perigi kereja sana juga. Kalau Tun takda buat itu KLCC saya punya tempat kereja keci saja. Terima kasih manyak Tun. Kerena Tun juga saya ada itu kereta Bee Em Double You. Kalau tidak kereta bapak mini lama juga saya bawak mari. Sekarang maka itu hotel, dulu maka capati.