We must punish the big fishes, but we can forgive the ‘small fry’ so that we can move forward without any obstacles.”
Sorry, lady, I can't agree with you.
The Bersih 2.0 chief, representing NGOs, was speaking at the at the third Pakatan Rakyat convention at Stadium Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah in Alor Star yesterday.Ambiga also suggested that Pakatan also consider setting up an independent body similar to the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa, to implement a policy to pardon the “small fry” involved in corruption cases,

Huh? A commission to implement....whaat?
I'm against corruption, Big or small. Small fry or big sharks.
You see, they usually start small. And if they're small fry in an organization, collectively, they can ruin that organization, especially if it's a government agency or department.
We talk about a new dawn, a new Malaysia. Wipe out corruption, and then we say that it's okay for the small fry. Just go for the sharks. Yes. Go for the big fish. But a crime is a crime.
They all start small and when they assume bigger and more powerful positions, they carry "that" with them.
I'm no lawyer. But lawyers themselves tell me that it is not easy to convict people for corruption. It is exhaustive and lengthy. Tons of documents to peruse and study.
Besides the fact that the accused usually have damn good lawyers to defend them.
Get off on some technicality. Hostile witnesses and so forth.
Nevertheless, we've seen some high profile cases.
When the culprit get off, we criticize the DPPs and government lawyers. We call them fools.
Perhaps, yeah. Perhaps some of them are not as good as some of those big names in the legal fraternity. (The government should hire them damn good lawyers!)
We cannot approach the war on corruption by naively (and Ambiga is not naive) saying that - oh forgive the small fry. Okay-lah you get the votes from the small fry.
Okay -- forgive the policeman for taking bribes from us? Forgive the RTD guy for asking for duit kopi. Forgive that land office boy fro asking "tips" for handling your application?
It all starts small and grows to become big. And a culture.
That said -- I can see why the small fry are corruptible and look to bribes as easy money. No increase in pay structure for centuries (I exaggerate, but you get my point) and cost of living getting higher and higher.....
Anyway, that call for a truth and reconciliation....??? I don't see any parallel, any commonality.
Okay. Enough said.
By the way, I have never offered a policeman a bribe. Never had to. Never
Have you?