Friday, May 22, 2009

The Saga Of Perak's Rightful Menteri Besar

Later today - at 3.30pm - the Court of Appeal will deliver its ruling on Dr Zambry Abd Kadir’s appeal against the High Court decision declaring Mohd Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin the rightful MB of Perak.

Read reports by the NST and the Star.

Will the court's decision (finally) end the political imbroglio in Perak?

What will the declared rightful MB do? And what will the defeated party do?

Will (any) action taken further by one party be acceptable to the other?
Will it leave any more room for out- manoeuvring by the other?

I don't have to be a Perak-ian to be hoping for an end to this crisis.

So, I'd like to see who the bigger party here is to want the same thing, to realize that the people are the real victims if this imbroglio is prolonged.


Observer said...

Nizar is Perak's Rightful Menteri Besar.

Anonymous said...

Aku dilahir, dibesarkan dan disekolahkan di Perak. Anak totok jati Perak.

Banyak orang luar yang sibuk2 dan susah2 hati tentang Perak ni, ada Melayu yang mari dari S'pura pun yang lebih kerak daripada nasi.

Tidak akan ada keputusan mahkamah yang dapat menyelesaikan kemelut Perak. MB tidak ada keabsahan dilantik dan dijatuhkan oleh hakim2.

Ini masalah politik yang perlu diselesaikan secara politik. Kembalikan kedaulatan undi rakyat Perak untuk menentukan siapakah yang layak membentuk kerajaan negeri dan MB Perak.

Inilah cara yang aman, bertamadun dan demokratik.

Aku anak Perak mahu mengundi!

ummisara said...

Kak Ena..

i tak sabar nak tunggu keputusan!!!!!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Nuraina, I sure am glad I'm just a cat! Why do humans like to complicate things? If I have superpowers, I'll summon all felines in Perak to bite all those people! Biting will only cease once they get their act together. Phase 2 will be poo onslaught...stinky comeuppance for all!! hahahah....meow meow meow. My Mama says this is one of the reasons why she left the country...too much politicking.

Anonymous said...

UMNO will win with 2-1, with a judge ruling in favour of PR, and then zambry will seek audience with the sultan for state assembly dissolution, then the rakyat will think that najib is not power crazy, that's what they are planning.

Anonymous said...

According to RPK the court will decide by a 2 to 1 vote ruling that Zambry is the rightful MB. He then will request the Sultan to dissolve the state assembly. It will be granted to make BN looks good good. If this really happen today, it will be proven that BN has been dictating all the court rulings and controlling the judiciary as well as the police and even the Sultans.
Will we still trust this government after that?

Anonymous said...

Adalah sebaik-baiknya DUN Perak dibubarkan dan pilihan raya sekali lagi di negeri Perak. Tak perlu berebut kerusi MB Perak habis cerita kerana balik kepada rakyat untuk mendapat mandat yang adil. Perebutan ini tidak aka berakhir di sini kerana akan berterusan dan lebih teruk bermusuh antara kedua-dua pihak. Jika ada pilihan raya pun tetap juga ada bermusuhan tetapi dengan cara ini adalah yang terbaik dan negeri Perak akan terus membangun dan mungkin ramai yang berasa berpuas hati. Pilihlah calun wakil rakyat yag berwibawa yang tidak lompat parti dan menyebabkan masaalah berterusan. Tiga ADUN yang melompat keluar parti sepatutnya dipersalahkan dan sepatutnya kawasan mereka yang sepatutnya diadakan pilihan raya kecil untuk menentuan adakah mereka diperlukan rakyat.

Anonymous said...

" ...dun curse me pls, i have nothing to do with this coz i'm in the lionport now, ...ok, tks ! "

Anonymous said...

zombie : " see, this is JUSTICE ...hahahaha !! "

Anonymous said...

Your commentary sound suspiciously like that of the MSM , except you are playing very safe...



say what?

Anonymous said...

yes yes take care


borhan said...

Perak should be governed by UMNO. They are the party with the biggest numbers of Assembly.We have seen that PAS's MB is a puppet MB controlled by invisible hands from behind.Wherever Nizar goes Ngeh is always seen behind him.