Thursday, April 09, 2009

Najib's Line-Up

Here's an update from the Star online :

Prime Minister and Finance Minister 1 - Najib

Deputy PM and Education Minister - Muhyiddin

Finance Minister 2 - Ahmad Husni

Ministers in PM dept - Nazri Aziz, Nor Mohd Yaakob, Koh Tsu Koon and Jamil Khir Baharom

Transport - Ong Tee Keat

Science and Technology - Maximus Ongkili

Maximus Ongkili - Science and Technology

Defence - Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

Home - Hishammuddin

Rural Development - Shafie Apdal

Housing and Local Government - Kong Cho Ha

Health - Liow Tiong Lai

Tourism - Ng Yen Yen

Human Resource - S. Subramaniam

Natural Resource and Environment - Douglas Uggah

Women, Family and Community Development -- Shahrizat Jalil

International Trade and Industry - Mustapa Mohamed

Higher Education - Khaled Nordin

Information, Unity, Culture and Arts - Rais Yatim

Agriculture - Noh Omar

Works - Shahziman Mansor

Domestic Trade - Ismail Sabri

Sports - Ahmad Shabery Cheek

Foreign - Anifah Aman

Federal Territories - Raja Nong Chik

Defence - Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

Mukhriz Mahathir is Deputy International Trade and Undustry Minister.

No post for Khairy Jamaluddin.


I do not have the full list.
According to NST alert, the Prime Minister will assess his ministers' performance in the next six months.
The Cabinet is reduced from 32 ministers to 28.

A new ministry is Energy, Green, Technology and Water while a Unity ministry is set up under the PM's Department.

So, stay updated.



anyway mukhriz is there as a DEPUTY MINISTER..OK LA TU..HE HE HE


wak segen said...

Mukhriz In, KJ Out...
.. Syabas DS Najib!!

Anonymous said...

More! More! :)

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah, for now.Thanks. I've been waiting the new cabinet news here in Scotland. I figure, it's either you or parpu kari were the first. Again, alhamdulillah for now.

Love from,
Scot, UK.

telur dua said...

KJ is not in, but Mukriz and Nazri are? WTF!

Anonymous said...

Mana Minister MECD?

Keturunan Jebat

Anonymous said...

This is not the first time and not the last time I wonder why the hell do we need 4 fellas as the Minister in PM's Dept. And what the hell do Ministers in PM's Dept do? Is the job so tough that we need 4 fellas?

Singapore has only 21 Ministers and this includes 2 former PM. Excludes these 2 old men, Singapore's cabinet has only 19 ministers and yet they managed Singapore so well.

Obama's cabinet has only 23 members for the whole US of A.

Gila lah our gomen?

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it. KJ won the Pemuda UMNO election but wasn't given the cabinet post but Mukhriz who lost to KJ was made a Deputy Minister! It doesn't make sense to me. Why don't give KJ an opportunity. Looks like Tun M have a say in this cabinet. People hate KJ when his dad-in-law waas in control but now, it's a new PM. He cannot simply do as he like. So, why slap on his face?
I just wonder how can Mukhriz be made a Deputy Minsiter when he lost the UMNO Youth election? What's the use of having an election when the winner lost the cabinet but loser appointed in? Is Najib kowtowing to Tun M?
And the size of the cabinet? What smaller! Najib has increase the Deputy Ministers size. No difference to me!

Lee said...

The PM did the right thing.A person known to be corrupt cannot and should not be a matter what post he/she holds in the party.Similarly a person known to be immoral cannot and should not be a matter what post he holds in his party.I can also understand why the Gerakan President is in the Cabinet.Dato seri Najib is definitely smarter than Pak Lah, for a start.We will give him three years to see whether he is reorganising BN into
a credible coalition to face off with the other coalition..the people's coalition.His 1Malaysia can be a viable proposition if he intends to be the PM for all malaysians...and not the PM for only a particular group of people!

Anonymous said...

Che Det's cabinet??

amoker said...

Looks like mahathirs' cabinet. kah kah

Anonymous said...

What about Anwar's shadow cabinet?

I am curious about cameraman Loh Gwo Burne.


Anonymous said...

kesian aje KJ.

UMNO Penang akan sangat bengang rasa i.

malayamuda said...

no doubt i am not a fan of Khairy, i do feel sorry for him

Anonymous said...

Too many ministries and ministers.
And off course all PTDs will be grinning. More posts for them too.
Also, the IGP be grinning for 2 year extension. Since 2 more Deputies will join rank of 4 star police officers.
Nothing special.
The winner Maddey, having his son into place to follow his footstep.
Oh yeah!!! More APs for Mokhzani too

Old Fart said...

Lost opportunity on the part of Najib. He could have ignored Mahathir altogether and retire him permanently. Now he has got to do the tango with Mahathir as long as he is around. And we all know, even the best of experts do step on each others toes every now and then. Then what? I give this tango to last no more than till the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

cakap nak kecilkan kabinet rupa nya paling besar
pak lah-67
kenapa tak percaya kira betul betul,

kadang kadang saya pelik, org cerdik pun senang kena tipu, aku yg belajar tekat spm pun bole fikir dan kira

berdoala semoga umno bungkus pr13 nanti

luah fikiran said...

Congrat. Give them space and oppurtunity and then let's see if they can perform. We monitor and translate it dalam pilihanraya umum. Be aware that the govt has to handle a lot of issues (eg economy, unity, social and perceptions). Hope for the best!

Anonymous said...

Well I am surprised too. I have been a close follower of the thinkings and thoughts of Tun Dr M but I am puzzled as to why the current PM totally ignored TDM's advice. I am very sure TDM would have strongly told the PM that he cannot appoint anyone that has been discarded by the people lest he wants to faced the wrath of those eligible and legally elected representatives. They can simply abandon the PM and go somewhere else because of their anger.

laimun said...

Let us not get carried away with this perception of KJ. Everybody is into money politics when elections come around. The difference is how money/funds/hadiah is being dished out. I used to think along the same lines, that KJ is a corrupt fella (all heresay, not from the horse's mouth) but as I look at the larger picture, he is what a politician should be. Politics is a dirty game and he is the ultimate politician. The best example is The Man Himself. Talking about The Man, it is time he rode off into the sunset. He did good work and he played dirty when he had to, and I mean DIRTY.

It is my belief that the future of this country will one day be in KJ's hands. I can see the arrogance but I can also see the charisma, toughness and humility that time will shape him. Today, he is taking the blows but he shadow box well.

UMNO needs him. Now you can shoot me.

Anonymous said...
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Malaysian Nuclear Energy said...

Dear Kak Aina,

Inevitably Malaysia has to go nuclear for power production in about 15 to 20 years. I have set up a new blog to discuss this. please see:

Thanks AMO

Unknown said...

Salam from the land of the hornbills to you Nuraina,

who says it's a man's world? it seems it will always be. how many woman full ministers are there in najib's lineup? whether it's najib's or whomsoever lineup, one thing is always very obvious from day one till eternity. the biggest state in malaysia and which delivered the most seats to BN in the PRU12, ie Sarawak, always get the least representation in the form of full minister posts, let alone women appointments. apa politicians dari sarawak tak sehebat orang UMNO or orang malaya ke for that matter?

tapi tak mengapa, sarawak state election and PRU13 is the next agenda. see if najib can become tembam politically?

good day.

selampit said...

Good line-up DS Najib. I hope that this new cabinet will strive to serve the people and restore BN to it's former glory.

Many fear that Najib's administration will be overshadowed by his predecessor, Tun Mahathir. I disagree with this apprehension. Had Tun Mahathir wanted to remain in power, he wouldn't have voluntarily stepped down back then. History shows that all dictators were taken down by force. Instead he chose to pass the baton to Pak Lah in a without any untoward incident.

Had Tun wanted his son to become PM before the age of 40, he could have consolidated his son's position in UMNO while he was in still power.

Maybe Tun Mahathir would offer his services as adviser every now and then, and having vast valuable experience after serving 22 years as PM, why wouldn't he?

I wish DS Najib and his new cabinet members good luck.

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