Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tuesdays With Bapak

Say A Prayer -- September 2 2008

I am remembering the time we were all at the Intensive Care Unit of Pantai Medical Centre in June 1990.

Mak was lying on the bed with all sorts of tubes in her mouth, needles in her arms. It was not how we wanted our mother to be but she was very ill.

Bapak visited her regularly, holding her hands, whispering in her ears, reciting prayers.

But Mak succumbed to a heart attack after a week.

This time, we watch Bapak, frail and motionless -- tubes in his mouth, nose and arms.

It has been eight days since Bapak was admitted to the hospital for lung infection. He was treated for lung and blood infection.

There was that brief period last week when he was conscious and communicating with us. Then the infection came back and he was put on a respirator and sedated.

We were still able to be with him to recite the Yassin.

When his condition worsened, he was not allowed any visitors. Only family members were allowed in . They must don the mask and apply antiseptic on our hands before entering and after leaving his room.

When his condition did not improve, Dr Ridzwan allowed only one family member to be inside the room. It seems logical that my step-mum be with Bapak.

Dr Ridzwan wanted to make sure his infection is contained.

We are happy that at least a family member is with Bapak to comfort him and recite the Yassin and read the Quran.

When my step-mum steps out for meals or prayers or when she goes home to freshen up and rest, Bapak is alone. A nurse sits outside, keeping watch.

Since his condition worsened, he has been allowed visitors. But they can only see him from outside, through the glass panel.

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah visited him early last week when he had already regained consciousness after being admitted.

Dr Ridzwan briefed Tun on Bapak's condition. All the while, Tun held Bapak's hand.

I was thinking how youthful Tun looked. He is just a year younger than Bapak.

He stressed on one thing -- he never smoked.

Bapak's heavy smoking had always been Dr Ridzwan's bone of contention with Bapak.

"I have been quarreling with Pak Samad about this for the past 15 years," he remarked.

Dr Ridzwan never gave up. But Bapak is a stubborn old man.

Nina intimated, and to Dr Ridzwan's horror, that Bapak was still having his last puff about a month ago, before he became bed-ridden.

"There's nothing we could do," Nina said, forlornly.

When Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak visited Bapak yesterday, he seemed familiar with Bapak's notorious habit.

"And he was still smoking ......", Najib, said, smiling and shaking his head.

And I believe if Bapak could hear our conversation, he'd probably --- well, he is a stubborn old man.

So, the stubborn old man is now frail, listless and helpless.

We are hopeful for his recovery. We continue our do'a, our prayers.

Allah SWT knows best.

*I wanted to write a happier "Tuesday With Bapak" but Bapak did not get better. Please bear with me.
My family would like to thank all the people who visited Bapak including his old friends - Aunty Lin, PC Shivadas, Ibrahim Ngah, Philip Mathews (and wife), Tan Sri Mazlan Noordin, Wahab Majid (and Family), Syed Husin Ali, Datuk A Samad Said (and wife), Datuk Abdullah Abdul Rahman (and wife), T
un Daim Zainuddin, Tun Musa Hitam, Datuk A Kadir Jasin (and wife), Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad, Zainuddin Maidin, Datuk Nazri Abdullah (and family), Datuk Khalid Mohd, Datuk Zahid Hamidi, Datuk Idris Tulis, Datuk Manja Ismail (and wife, Noorzita), Datuk Shukor Hassan and wife, Datuk Rejal Arbee and Datin Noraini, the family of the late Usman Awang, Datuk Ng Poh Tip, as well as former NSTP journalists Ahirudin Attan, Shamsul Akmar, Kee Thuan Chye, Aishah Ali, Rose Ismail, Hisham Harun, Baidura Ahmad, Saleha Ali, Wahti Maidin, Rusdi Mustapha, Tengku Sharifuddin, Ashraf Abdullah, Saiful Azhar and Rosidi Daud. Also Ann, Aman Ali, Hardev Kaur, Zainul Arifin, Theresa Manavalan, Kamarulzaman Salleh and Suraya Alatas.
Thank you also to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and PKR leader Datuk Dr Wan Azizah who visited Bapak yesterday and Information Minister Datuk Shabery Cheek who came by on Sunday.
And also to Lim Kit Siang and Dr Tan Seng Giaw as well as Datuk Shaziman.
And to all my brothers and sisters in and outside of blogosphere for their prayers and their well wishes.

UPDATE: (3pm, Sept 2, 2008)
Bapak's kidneys are not too good and they need to put him on a dialysis. They need to make an insertion in his trachea because he has difficulty breathing.
I saw that he was getting blood transfusion. Again.

It's downhill,I was told.

I pray for a miracle.


zaitgha said...

my thought and prayers are for your dad and your family....Allah knows best

wun said...

In this holy month of Ramadhan your prayers would be the greatest comfort for him..
We can hope and pray for the best..

mutalib saifuddin said...

i was in office while you were in today

was told by moose on the condition, then here.

currently speechless, may all our prayers during Ramadhan be accepted.


Anonymous said...

We in Singapore are praying for him as well....

Unknown said...

I hope I am not being disrespectful and out of place when I say that hope is always good but in between hope we must also be able to accept what Almighty Allah has for him. Prepare for any eventualities.

I hope an pray that he recovers and hope and pray that his family will be strong throughout this episode.

If I had offended please do accept my sincerest apology.

duagelasteh said...

Dear Sis Nuraina,

Keep praying.That's the best we could do.

Taking about smoking, I think it is ok.

If he wants to smoke another cigarette, please let him have one.

"Biasa alah bisa". Where got effect on him?

Mind u. Deng Xiao Peng smoked until his last days--at the age of 92.

That is the meaning of "biasa alah bisa".

Salam hormat.

Rockybru said...

Dear Ena,

I still remember going to the house and smoking with your dad, and trying to get stories from him but ending up, almost always, telling him the stories instead. Shamsul, Zainul, Azmi and Manja. I felt quite guilty about quitting smoking whenever I thought about it. We all quit smoking about the same time, leaving Pak Samad the only smoker around. I bet he thought we were all wimps to stop because the doctors said we ought to.

Yep, there was no way you girls and Dr Ridzwan could have stopped him ..

Anonymous said...

when a friend's dad aged 80+ was suffering from very serious illness, doctors advised him, " ...cannot eat this cannot eat that...no alcohol...no smoking
...this NO & that NO ....!!"
one month later he STILL died without the 'fun & enjoyment' he yearned for ! ...SIGH !

Dalam Dakapan Ibu said...

Dear Nuraina,

Yes, Allah knows best.

It's very sad to see such a great man lying there on the hospital bed.

My prayers are with Pak Samad...

Ramli AR said...

2 Ramadan 1429

Saya doakan yang terbaik buat Pak Samad.

Ramli AR

Anonymous said...

We all wish him well in this month of Ramadhan. Semoga tabah bersama ayah tercinta.
Perjuangannya untuk anak bangsa akan kami kenang hingga akhit hayat.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are for Pak Samad..

..& for your family.. be strong.

Madam Tai Tai Again said...

Dear Nuraina,

Salam Ramadan from Dhaka. And also a prayer for your Bapak. I hope he get better soon. InsyaAllah..

Subashini Nair said...

Dear kak ena,

i know its a trying & challenging time for u & ur family. Be strong ...hope for the best. Our prayers for pak samad and your family.

take care

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Kak Ena,

My thoughts and prayers for you dad and your family.

svllee said...

Hi Nuraina, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Da Real Deal said...

May Allah ease his pain if he is going through it. I pray that he recovers to see Aidilfitri with his family again Insha'Allah.

Anonymous said...

Tabah Nuraina, let's continue to hope and pray that he will pull through.

Anonymous said...

your dear bapak reminds me of
'p.....k' ! sorry..no offence please ! GODBLESS for his health .

ms hart said...

Kak Ena, I have always admired your bapak. My doa that Allah bestow nothing less than the best for him. Amin.

Anonymous said...

He has done what no one else has been able to do in today's Malaysia: bring so many rival political factions to his bedside. That is the measure of a truly great personage. My prayers for him and you and family.

Anonymous said...

be strong, nuraina.

God will always be with you and your family.


Anonymous said...

BI is not my mother tongue but i guess it is better than those from UTHO !!
Pls refer to an advertorial in NST
on 23/8 & an apology from NST ( on
line) on the 26th, tq.

Anonymous said...


Buat suction on a trench vent sakit sunggoh Kak.
I could feel Apak's pain,Kak

Tabah Kak.Barakah Ramadan.

Conspiracy Theorist said...

My prayers goes for Pak Samad..to Pak Samad's family members, kuatkan semangat dan tabahkan hati..God knows best..

Chahya said...

Sorry to hear about Pak Samad's condition.
When there's nothing much we can do, prayers are all we have.
In this holy month of Ramadhan where prayers are heard, let's hope for the best.

busymum100 said...

My prayers are for your dad, you and family.

I am sure you and family are strong.

Anonymous said...

I hope you could cope well. He has taught you to endure and embrace the agony in life. He has taught you to be strong despite the odds. Therefore, stay strong.

Kayelmiumiu said...

At such time ..... be strong.

Anonymous said...

All the way from the Land Below the Wind, we, who had the opportunity to know Pak Samad, hoped for the best of his health.

jooli said...

Dear nuraina

I never knew your father, but read & knew about him. A colourful and wise character, I must say.

I feel for you and your family & your step mum. I'll pray for your dad.

Ditto zaitgha: Allah knows best.

Raison D'etre said...

Kak Aina,

My prayers and the best of wishes for both you and your family.

That said, it is a good month for all of us to return to Allah SWT once our time is up, and with the blessing of all who loved us while we walk this borrowed earth.

God bless.

Old Fart said...

Ther is an unselfish way of looking at the life of a loved ones, especially at this time. They did live a full life. A life that was full of meaning. A life worth celebrating.

How I wish when its my turn someone will say those very same words. Somehow I don't think I have earned it.

But from what I see, although I don't know him, your dad has earned the right to have his life celebrated even as a living legend.

Anonymous said...

What ever happen ... be strong, very strong.
ALLAH knows best.

Mior Azhar said...

Kak Ena,

Our prayers for Pak Samad.

Take care ye

Mior and Yan

Valisa said...

My thoughts and prayers with Pak Samad and your family.

Anonymous said...

adding my prayers to Bapak.

courage Samad family!

Unknown said...

Your father and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. He and my father were colleagues in NST in the 60s. My father had the highest regard for him as a journalist and a person. Almost every discussion/debate/conversation they shared in the office was brought home to be shared and there was much we learned from both these fathers.
I wish I had discovered your blog earlier. My sister Val sends her regards to Maria - they were classmates. And Hamed and my brother were pals.
Take care.
Jean Carroll

Anonymous said...

Be strong..accept any eventualities...and most of all..give him the most comfortable care and attention.

God bless...

Anonymous said...

Most could only wish to be half the man he is.

Anis Ahmad Abdul Rahman said...

Kak Aina,

banyakkan berdoa dan kuatkan semangat. I am sure your old stubborn Bapak wants you and your family to be strong through all this.
Ini ujian dari Allah dan mungkin juga kurnia darinya, bukan semua orang berpeluang menjaga orang tua semasa mereka sakit.

Be strong.

Datuk Naim Mohamad said...

Kami sekeluarga medoakan semuga Pak Samad akan sembuh dan beroleh kesihatan nya. Insya ALLAH. ikhlas dari Naim.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jean/ Neil,

Yes, we know your dad. Right. Valerie was my classmate. I know your sister Anna, too. She was my senior in school. I last met her years ago at a supermarket. I asked her about Val.

Anyway, how's your family? Do you guys still have your family home (near Jalan anak Gasing?).

Please send my regards to Val and Anna.

Take care and God Bless.

the Razzler said...

Kak Ena,

My thoughts and prayers for your dad and your family.

Anonymous said...

My heart sank reading this entry but we don't know what is pre-ordained by Allah to us...

Hang in there sis. My prayers are for Bapak and of you too. May Allah shower His Love to comfort Bapak and offer all you the needed strength to brace this moment. amin.

Anonymous said...

Insyaalah keberkatan Ramadhan akan membawa kebaikan utk u sekeluarga....dari jauh I doakan! Setiap yang difitrahkan kepada kita semua hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui!!!

KZSO said...

Marilah kita berdoa kepada ALLAH SWT.... dan mohon yang terbaik untuk Ayahanda anda.

Anonymous said...

i will always remember going to your father's house in Pj for Raya with my parents... Atuk Samad was like family to my mom and dad and i was always proud to have met him whenever my parents brought us kids to visit.
he will be in my prayers.