So they've taken blogger Irwan Abdul Rahman AKA Hassan Skodeng to court. Apa sudah jadi?
And Irwan thought that the MCMC would chill out after meeting with him. So the truth would set him free.
Fat hopes, dear Irwan. These people have no sense of humour. Or, they simply can't understand your humour, your satire. Relax-lah.
It's lost on them. It's our education system, I tell you. Educated people don't understand satire?
So pity them.
They're not amused and have taken him to court. Serious. And stupid.
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is charging Irwan over his satirical posting: "TNB To Sue WWF Over Earth Hour".
Absolutely nothing wrong with the posting, if you understand satire, or simply have a sense of humour.
(Irwan has taken it off when he was told that TNB was not amused and MCMC had been called in but you can read it HERE)
Irwan was in the Petaling Jaya magistrate's court on Thursday where he was charged under Section 233 (1)(a) of Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for improper use of network facilities or network service by making, creating, soliciting and initiating transmission of any content that is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with malicious intent.
Irwan, who is the executive editor for entertainment, lifestyle and the new media with the Malay Mail pleaded not guilty and was allowed a bail sum of RM4000 with one surety by Sessions judge Hayatul Akmal.Blogger Rocky Bru AKA Ahirudin Attan, who is group editorial advisor of the Malay Mail, Bernama TV and Malaysian Reserve, posted bail.
Irwan is represented by blogger Jahabardeen Mohd Yunoos. MCMC was represented by its deputy public prosecutor Badius Zaman Ahmad.
Read the details of the charge HERE.
Several bloggers (including me) were there to give him moral support -- Rocky, Zakhir Mohamad (BigDog), Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz (Kickdefella), Shamsul Yunos (My Anger, It May Be Yours Too) and Zainol Abideen (Mahaguru 58) .
Others were there in spirit, I was told.
Whose time are you wasting? Tak ada kerja lain, kah?
God, are you people for real?
I'm glad that Irwan's counsel Jahabardeen is going to send a representation to the AG, presumably, I believe to make a case against going to trial.
But you have to read Art Harun's "Holy Mother.." HERE. You will be wondering whether they have the right people doing whatever job they are supposed to be doing at the MCMC.
Also read Rocky's Bru HERE
And Pasquale's Barking Magpie, as well as Kickdefella's makan pisang...
The Jakarta Globe -- "Malaysian Government Fails To See Funny Side Of Blogger's Joke"- carried the story.
I'm hoping this case won't go to trial.
There's still time for good sense to prevail.
Don't make a monkey of yourself!
Memang tak bijak AG dan MCMC. Semua Melayu pulak tu ... MORONS!
I just read the satirical and my god , I just dont understand what the fuss is all about. The charging of Irwan in court, seems to me , a little petty and frivolous .
Amat memalukan bagi kita yg d luar ni juga. Everytime kita kena explain ourselves. Jadi laughing stock betul. Bila news abt Msian politics jer caya la usually boleh file under weird news, sama cat. dgn North Korea/Taliban/some boondocks d Africa!!
Planet monyet
I thot u went to sleep!!!!!
In English, In Bahasa, Satire is one of the avenues to keep our soirits alive & going.
But then when you have ......., running the show as it is said in a tamil proverb: if you give a garland of flowers to a monkey, he only knows to eat it!!!!"
Hey NAS! shall we catch up. Wife says that I do not appreciate you!!!!LOL!
We just hope the DPP in this case is just as good as the one handling that TBH inquiry!!!!
When Che Khalib was complaining to Rais,Rais was engaged in the "Serious" mode. Rais forget to switch to "Satire" mode. So, thats why la. When speaking to Rais, make sure he is in the correct mode.
Joke? Satirical? Depends who is the target? If u and u can't take it as a joke then u will say those words amount to slander or defamation and want actionj to be taken. But just because he is part of u and u can take it as a joke then those who decided to take action on your dearest friend u guys call morons. I think that is a good reflection of u guys! ;)
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