Thursday, April 28, 2016

"I never admitted there was fraud": Arul Kanda

1MDB president & group executive director Arul Kanda has issued a statement to clarify an earlier statement he made a few days ago.
"I refer to various commentary on my recent statements regarding the possibility of fraud in relation to 1MDB. In particular, I must clarify that I had never “admitted there was fraud” as has been mistakenly alleged by variouspersonalities and subsequently wrongly reported by certain media. What I did say is that, given the content of the 12 April 2016 statement by the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland, 1MDB must now be open to the possibility of fraud, i.e. that it cannot be discounted. It is regrettable that various personalities have chosen to “spin” my words to further their own agendas.
What is more important, in my view, is 1MDB’s firm contention on the USD3.5 billion deposits paid to Aabar BVI. 1MDB maintains that it dealt with senior executives, hence these transactions bind IPIC and Aabar PJS as corporates - bluntly put, it is an internal matter for them to resolve. 1MDB will not shy away, and looks forward to resolving this dispute with IPIC through discussion and if necessary, arbitration, in order to ensure an expeditious resolution, in the interests of all stakeholders.
In the meantime, 1MDB will continue to extend full cooperation to the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) in its ongoing investigations into the company. 1MDB has always maintained, and continues to maintain, that if any evidence of wrongdoing is found, then action must be taken, according to the law.”
- Arul Kanda, 1MDB President and Group Executive Director
This is from HERE
He issued this clarification because of reports like this.
Presiden dan Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan 1MDB, Arul Kanda Kandasamy mengulangi kemungkinan berlaku ‘penipuan besar-besaran’ dan ‘kerjasama dari pihak dalaman’ berhubung pembayaran lebih AS$3.5 bilion yang dibuat kepada firma Aabar ‘palsu’ di Kepulauan Beritish Virgin (BVI).
"Kita tidak tolak bahawa sebenarnya berlaku penipuan... penipuan besar-besaran... dan mungkin ada kerjasama dari pihak kami," kata Arul Kanda ketika ditemu-bual oleh The Edge Financial Weekly.
Syarikat International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) yang berpangkalan di Abu Dhabi dan anak syarikatnya, Aabar Investments PJS baru-baru ini mengisytiharkan bahawa mereka tidak mempunyai sebarang kaitan dengan firma syarikat yang diperbadankan di BVI dengan nama Aabar Investments PJS Limited (Aabar BVI).
Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dalam laporannya mengenai 1MDB juga berkata tidak ada bukti bahawa Aabar BVI yang dinamakan sebagai Aabar Ltd dalam laporannya, mempunyai hubungan dengan IPIC atau Aabar Investment PJS.
1MDB membayar RM4.24 bilion (kira-kira AS$1.367 bilion) kepada Aabar BVI sebagai deposit keselamatan pada tahun 2012, tanpa kelulusan lembaga 1MDB pengarah.
Dalam temu bual itu, Arul Kanda juga bercakap mengenai keinginannya untuk bersara dari 1MDB dan bahawa isu di dana itu bukan isu mengenai dirinya. -Malaysiakini (BM)


Anonymous said...

So where is the money? Bring it home now.

Anonymous said...

Of course there was no fraud. Stealing, looting or silap mata is not fraud. Question is: where is the money?

Anonymous said...

So arul Nasi us the money!!! dah songlap by the booges man and Fatty Low.