From tomorrow, I am made to understand that Ahirudin Attan AKA Rocky of Rocky's Bru -- barring very very unforeseen circumstances -- will have a title before his name. Datuk Rocky. An award he will receive from the Yang diPertuan Agong.
Ok-lah. It's confirmed.
Read it HERE and HERE.
By the way, I agree with Apanama, Panglima suits him better. Yes!
panglima?.....apanama says that?....
hello anon@9:28PM,
you ada masaalah, ke?
Hey congrats to Rocky! Some good news amidst the negativities in life ;-)
I've only learned of this from your blog~s RSS. Despite Rocky posting about it earlier, and despite my having seen it, the title didn't let on too much. And since I was busy with a few things, I didn't click on the link, telling myself "It's probably connected to Al-Marhum Sultan of Johor". Nothing vague about your title though. But it prevented me from shutting down the laptop and going to sleep...
Say, can you please check the list of new datuks... It's `Ahmad' and there's no `h' between C and n... Had rented a baju melayu set (bulan depan bayar).
He sure works damn hard for his datukship!We have all kinds of people in Malaysia...and he is one of a kind!Anyway, no congratulations from me!
Tak sia sia la dia kipas selama ni...!
Apa pun tahniah lah. Nak juga lihat kawan yg seperjuangan ngan dia kena saman dulu Jeff Ooi dapat Datuk.
no congrats from me. sorry.. this is a sad day for someone who has not contribute except for working as an agent of UMNO and get a Datukship.
bila u jadi datin?
Congratulations to Rocky! It's a well deserved acknowledgement.
Nuraina, perhap you are next ;)
Salam Alaik,
Tahniah kepada abang Rocky from Scotland.
Tahniah juga kepada iconic journalists, including you, Sis Nuraina.
Kudos to all :-)
Intersting. So fast. What about yourS? The world have seen mahaguru documentation of your role as well.
apa title pun tak apa. asal masih hensome! congrats.
You can see what politics can do if you are in the right side of it. 2008 & 2010 what a difference it made. Make sure tulang belakang still working. Anyway Congrats Bro. We are all Malaysians anyway.
U too will be awarded with one if u do a u-turn in ur writings/blog ..duh
so fast?
the way i see it, there are so many out there who do NOT deserve a datukship. no need to name names-lah.
anyway, we won't get into that.
as for mahaguru's documentation of me, whatever it is, i'm unable to say. depends on which version.
but if you want to believe to the twisted version in malaysia today, go ahead. :-)
you know, I'm so tired of this kind of remarks - "an agent of UMNO".
you want to talk about agents. many out there. real agents. they get paid as agents.
your remark is so sweeping, so malicious.
Umno is not a foreign organisation.
So, it's ok for anyone to be an agent of DAP. PKR, PAS?
don't blur the lines-lah.
but that's ok if you don't want to congratulate Rocky. Don't think he cares. besides, you're anonymous.
also, it's ok if you believe rocky to be an agent of Umno.
it's a free country. you know you can speak your mind.
thanks for visiting, anyway.
sure lah can get datukship...just have to do one side reporting! easy!
i dont think rocky really care that much about the datukship. but since he already got it, then its good for him. whatever people say about him, rocky will always be rocky. cool fella. cheers to him.
patriot: you're right. rocky couldn't care less about titles and awards. however, if he accepted the award/title, that means he is ok with whomever it was who offered it.
i do believe, he would have rurned it down if it was from XXXXX (i said too much already.)
anon@11:18AM: i hate to sound nasty. but you know...you obviously do not know the meaning of one-sided.
topple badawi so that najib can come to power = datukship
topple selangor government = Dato Seri
pen is indeed mightier than the sword.
you are anonymous, right?
ok. yep. Rocky blogged a lot about the the weak administration and abuses under Pak Lah. Yes, he whacked Kalimullah who was put in charge of NSTP. He did not do so anonymously. Read his postings in 2006--2009.
He never posted great things about najib. najib wasn't his concern then. but pak lah's successor could have been either najib or muhyiddin.
you follow?
and, in case you wre living in a cave, Pak Lah did not get the thumbs up from a great many malaysians.
you think BN lost in 5 states because voters were convinced that the opposition parties were a better alternative.
there was no Pakatan.
people like rocky, and I -- we voted for the opposition.
Rocky voted in Perak where he was registered (god knows by whom). the opposition parties won in many seats in perak because of the many Rocky's.
I voted in Selangor in a BN constituency. Selangor won because people like me just wanted change. And change we got.
Rocky was not alone in blogging about a bad government.
so, if he thinks that Najib is doing a good job...you want to crucify him because he has his own conviction?
because he doesn't agree with you?
and you start nailing him as BN agent, Umno agent?
rocky did not just get a job when najib became PM.
you are anonymous, right?
ok. yep. Rocky blogged a lot about the the weak administration and abuses under Pak Lah. Yes, he whacked Kalimullah who was put in charge of NSTP. He did not do so anonymously. Read his postings in 2006--2009.
He never posted great things about najib. najib wasn't his concern then. but pak lah's successor could have been either najib or muhyiddin.
you follow?
and, in case you wre living in a cave, Pak Lah did not get the thumbs up from a great many malaysians.
you think BN lost in 5 states because voters were convinced that the opposition parties were a better alternative.
there was no Pakatan.
people like rocky, and I -- we voted for the opposition.
Rocky voted in Perak where he was registered (god knows by whom). the opposition parties won in many seats in perak because of the many Rocky's.
I voted in Selangor in a BN constituency. Selangor won because people like me just wanted change. And change we got.
Rocky was not alone in blogging about a bad government.
so, if he thinks that Najib is doing a good job...you want to crucify him because he has his own conviction?
because he doesn't agree with you?
and you start nailing him as BN agent, Umno agent?
rocky did not just get a job when najib became PM.
you are anonymous, right?
ok. yep. Rocky blogged a lot about the the weak administration and abuses under Pak Lah. Yes, he whacked Kalimullah who was put in charge of NSTP. He did not do so anonymously. Read his postings in 2006--2009.
He never posted great things about najib. najib wasn't his concern then. but pak lah's successor could have been either najib or muhyiddin.
you follow?
and, in case you wre living in a cave, Pak Lah did not get the thumbs up from a great many malaysians.
you think BN lost in 5 states because voters were convinced that the opposition parties were a better alternative.
there was no Pakatan.
people like rocky, and I -- we voted for the opposition.
Rocky voted in Perak where he was registered (god knows by whom). the opposition parties won in many seats in perak because of the many Rocky's.
I voted in Selangor in a BN constituency. Selangor won because people like me just wanted change. And change we got.
Rocky was not alone in blogging about a bad government.
so, if he thinks that Najib is doing a good job...you want to crucify him because he has his own conviction?
because he doesn't agree with you?
and you start nailing him as BN agent, Umno agent?
rocky did not just get a job when najib became PM.
why are u defending rocky ... very STRONGLY!
I say man brader Rocky,
You receive a Datukship award and there people out there calling you an UMNO agent already.
And this despite all the government bashings that you have done and still continue doing.
Maybe if you 'contibute' by posting an "I love Pakatan Rakyat" banner on your blog, then these goons would somehow believe that you deserve the title Datuk.
What to do brader. Sabar je lah.
By the way, congratulations!
why should i not?
well i don't really know how to respond your question BUT it's really strange plus a little bit funny with the way your're defending him. frankly no offense intended though!
Salam Sejahtera Nuraina,
Well..he does deserve it !!
His dis-tractor's..of course laa..!! Jealous laa tu..!!
As for yourself....I guess, it is somewhere in a corner..!
don't read too much into my defence of rocky.
we're close friends. and i know him.
Kawan baik atau awek dia..
I'm quite perplexed, agitated even by people who defends Najib, whether they are Datuk or not. I wonder what do they think of his links with Altantuya. What will a reasonable man think? I am not speaking from a partisan point of view but rather justice for Altantuya. I'm not saying Najib is guilty but we never know, do we? HE HAS NEVER BEEN INVESTIGATED
And how about the mess of bringing down Perak Government? If you can don't mention Anwar. MJ dangled baby outside window. I don't think you'd do it because you can blame MJ later on, right?
Conviction? based on what?
Thank you Ena, sure more entertaining than my blog commenters. Over there yang marah tu marah giler, macam nak terpantul bijik mata diorang. Hehe.
I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the well-wishers. Yang hot dengan saya, janganlah marah sangat nanti kena jual.
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