Blogger Marina Mahathir and friends are back on this campaign.
The first time they held it was early this year (Jan 14 to Feb 14). Marina started it with three friends, Syed, Walski and Anas.
About 50 other blogs joined in. There were many calls to extend it, according to Marina.
This time, four more of her friends will be part of the main team. They are Art Harun, Jahamy, Pah Nur and Nizam bashir.
The campaign starts today - that means throughout Ramadan until Sept 21 (Aidlfitri).
Here are the details:
What is the Campaign all about?
Read the Quran in the language that you are familiar with.
When will the campaign start and end?
August 22nd to September 21st (Hari Raya Aidil Fitri)
Participating blogs in the blogosphere.
So more people know what the Quran says and what the Quran does not say and to match its relevance to our daily lives.
Anyone who wants to – the more the merrier! If you have a Blog, Facebook, etc do please carry the logo/icon.
- To join the campaign, place the accompanying logo/icon on your blog.
- Write or share short articles based on the Quranic text.
- Share what you find in the Quran with family and friends.
- Ask questions about the Quranic message
- Read the Quran – eg click here http://www.islamicity.com/QuranSearch , www.altafsir.com
Marina Mahathir http://rantingsbymm.blogspot.com
Syed Akbar Ali http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com
Walski http://asylum60.blogspot.com
Art Harun http://art-harun.blogspot.com
Pah Nur http://lunchatthelakeclub.blogspot.com
Rapera http://jahaberdeen.blogspot.com
Nizam Bashir http://nizambashir.com and,
Anas Zubedy http://letusaddvalue.blogspot.com
wa salah lu mind gong !!
we must read Quran in the Arabic text first then go through the tafsir verse by verse... baru pahala keberkatan membaca Quran tu lebih..
Lagi satu jangan mencari bab-bab yang menyenangkan diri sendiri yang lain tinggal... dosa tau.
The holy book of Islam was certainly sent by Almighty. Just imagine how much amazing a book would be if it is authored by Almighty. Undoubtedly it is the substantial book ever created. Furthermore this book contains valued information answering essential questions with humans in mind, like why we were created and what happens after death.
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