Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sex And.....the malaysian.

I hope you don't (mis)judge me or get me wrong for posting this article that was published in the Star today. It is one of the most viewed articles in the paper.
The heading is "Malaysians Not So Hot In Bedroom".

Now....wouldn't that just grab your attention.

Read on:

A surprisingly high number of Malaysians are not sexually satisfied, a survey by pharmaceutical company Pfizer has revealed.

Two out of three Malaysian men and three out of four women are not satisfied with their sex lives, the Asia-Pacific Sexual Health and Overall Wellness survey stated. Malaysians are ranked sixth among 13 countries but, if it’s any consolation, Singaporeans fared worse. They are in eighth spot.

India topped the list with 70% of the respondents saying they were satisfied with their sex lives while Japan reported the lowest sexual satisfaction rate at 10%. “The Malaysian figure is higher than the overall Asia Pacific results where 57% of men and 64% of women reported being not very satisfied with sex,” said Dr Rosie King, who led the study in the Asia Pacific region from May to July 2008.

“The survey links the level of erection hardness to sexual satisfaction for men.” said Dr King during a roundtable discussion at a hotel here yesterday.

The level of erection hardness is measured in a scale of one to four using the Erection Hardness Score (EHS) developed by the European Association of Urology.

“Level one is like tofu where the male organ is large but not hard, level two is similar to a peeled banana where it’s not hard enough for penetration, level three is like an unpeeled banana where it’s hard enough for penetration but not completely, and level four is similar to a cucumber where it’s completely hard and fully rigid,” explained Dr King.



Anonymous said...

It's a funny survey. They must have left out our politicians and rapists in their random sampling of respondents.

Get them to conduct another survey with our politicians and the results will show otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Puan Nuraina,

I think we are very 'hot' at recording and distributing sex acts or nude pictures of others.


Premium Business said...

Nuraina !

Unknown said...

Is Pfizer's trying to flog more Viagra in Asian countries. I wonder how much did the give The Star for this write-up

Donplaypuks® said...

Perhaps M'sians will score higher performance marks for 'sex against the order of nature'!!??

There sure as hell seems to be an unusually large number of such cases coming to the fore of late.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I wonder, the article didn't mention about the scale for women? And only 100+ samples of each gender for the study? I wonder...

Anonymous said...

Ooops! I forgot to mention... the timing of the survey (i.e. 2008)... the Indians were experiencing good economic times... so no depression >> performance? Malaysians started feeling the global financial meltdown tghen... so many are depressed... the Japanese? They were having recession.... no wonder the men couldn't perform (bottom of league)? Now I bet the results would be worse?! I wonder how the Americans fare? I suspect people in Dubai would be at bottom of league too right now?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ...I am a frequent reader of Malaysiakini and have recently realised that the word count for the word 'sex' is more than the word count for the word 'economy'...shouldn't the economy be given more attention ?

Anonymous said...

AMBOI - memuji nampak!

DAP puji kerajaan kerana hapus tol
25/02/2009 3:57pm

KUALA LUMPUR 25 Feb. — DAP hari ini memuji tindakan kerajaan menghapuskan kutipan tol di dua plaza di Kuala Lumpur, dan langkahnya untuk mendeklasifikasi kebanyakan perjanjian konsesi tol lebuh raya.

Timbalan pengerusi DAP Selangor, Tony Pua, yang juga anggota Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara berkata: “DAP ingin mengucap tahniah kepada Menteri Kerja Raya (Datuk Seri Mohd Zin Mohamed) atas usahanya untuk mendeklasifikasi (perjanjian) dan menghapuskan tol di dua plaza dalam dua minggu lepas”.


Anonymous said...

Hey hey,
I betcha with all the goings on in this beloved Bolehland of ours,another survey will produce even more dismal results ... recession and economic doom hitting us,more political crap hitting the fan,laughable quality of political leaders spewing the same puke day after day... I mean really it would be a miracle of sorts if the guys can rise to the occasion..:)

Have a nice day la.
Psst still think you look great since the first time came across your blog..can update your pic or not.. ;)

Anonymous said...

I find this a rather humorous survey as if to proof something right or wrong. The survey is not conclusive and representative, I believe. The lembik or keras signs do not necessarily mean that msians are less useless in the bedroom. Ha.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

come on my fellow countrymen, there's always oral sex we can count on.

no, wait...thats illegal!!!!!

Ah Beng Crosby said...

I am level 4, but not the 4th floor guys, hehehe....

Anonymous said...

the secret to having a cucumber is to get younger man,preferably married malay man and from the same political organisation.

if you want a peeled banana then get a more senior party member,who will smash your head if you tell him that he is like a peeled banana.

Anonymous said...

men : " harimau !"
BUT BUT BUT,selalu .......
bini: " sakit lah kelapaku !"

Anonymous said...

Alamak ...

Is that why my wife calls me Mr Banana? Now I not sure she means peeled or not peeled ... Ayah! Sure depressing me, this survey.

Anonymous said...

celaka, biniku has just called me ' L 1 ' ! damn the survey !!

shankar~selina said...

One should know how to use the cucumber effectively...or even a banana. Ask a woman...

ChengHo said...

Malaysians forget to exercise for healthy living .always rely on some chemical from china ,blue pill, tongkat ali and too much tea tarik and mamak food, so every one becoming tofu and banana.
go to kampung and remote places there are a lots of cucumber why don't they go to do their survey....City and town folks no only no action just like NATO...

Anonymous said...

Not getting an erection when you want one is usually called erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence. Nearly all men suffer from ED from time to time.