Thursday, September 09, 2010

Bigotry Resides Everywhere..

You'd better believe it.

We lament at the state of our country because racism is alive and kicking, manifested in all manner of life and living. I think this is so exaggerated.

But yes...racism is alive. And it will never die because that is the way we are and will be.

Bigotry resides everywhere. Not in exclusive or peculiar to Malaysia.

That said...I believe there a great many of us who believe in this journey to achieve equality, justice, freedom and a better life for the people of our country.

I am encouraged by the fact that I know so many people who are colour blind and who have accepted and embraced the diversity of our people and our country without any iota of resentment or negativity. Without any reservation like it is part of our lives and part of what Malaysia is all about.

For sure, there are pretenders among us. But for as long as we continue to fight to end bigotry, racism and what-have-you, we are okay.

So...we shall continue the good fight!


Old Fart said...

"But yes...racism is alive. And it will never die because that is the way we are and will be."

Speak for yourself Nuraina....I beg to defer.

I do hope that would never be said about me! I hope, I know, I have the capacity to look beyond the colour and the texture and see the person...and I have seen so much good that holding one of those racist views would make me a hypocrite. I pray it will never come to that!!

Anonymous said...

"That said...I believe there a great many of us who believe in this journey to achieve equality, justice, freedom and a better life for the people of our country."

Are you trying to say that you are one of them? RFLMAO!


old fart: surely you know what is meant by "we" here.


anon@5:58PM: surely i could not possibly have been trying to say that YOU are one of them. Hell NO. ROTFLMAO

Unknown said...,I am not colour blind..but being from the old school, meaning born pre 1950, I was brought up to see beyond colour or creed, whilst appreciating the differences..and I think that is what you meant..:)..however I despair at the going ons and the stance taken by the me, Malaysia will always be a multi-layered cake with a common theme..I thought what is happening is that we are unsure of the approach.,.whether to put the layers into a blender or to retain it as separate layers..this uncertainty of approach is contributing to the problem..I think being a Chinese, Indian or Malay is not a problem for as long as we can accept the difference between us minus the stance of 'I am superior than thou' atitude..why can't we appreciate the differences and work together?..we did it once when fighting for independence..surely we can do it again..for now we are fighting against disintegration..?

Anonymous said...

Well,looking at the current situation,i think the police need to look at certain pro umno bloggers who are posting racist articles trying to incite (god- knows-what in their vile uneducated minds)violence towards a certain race.

I hope something is done before things gets out of hand because what i read from these articles and comments are nothing but pure pure hate!.Jangan biarkan negara ini binasa kerana perbuatan beberapa orang yang kurang matang dari segi emosi and mental.