Thursday, September 04, 2008

Bapak Has Left Us

Alfatihah. My dad passed away at 5.58 pm today.

Thank you for all your prayers for him.

May God Bless You.

We are taking Bapak's body back from the hospital to the house at 2, Lorong 16/7C, Petaling Jaya now.

The kebumi will be at Bukit Kiara after Friday prayers tomorrow.


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Saya... said...

Innalillahi wainna illahi rajiun....

May Allah have mercy on him in this blessed day of Ramadhan...and may Allah grant his family patience.

rizal hashim said...

Salam takziah kepada Kak Ena dan seluruh keluarga Pak Samad. Moga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya pada bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. Perginya pejuang kemerdekaan dan seorang tokoh terbabit secara langsung dalam jalinan sejarah Malaysia-Singapura. Al-Fatihah

svllee said...

My condolence to you and your family at his hour

Anonymous said...

May God bless his soul. -- Jugjet Singh (Bob).

Anonymous said...


ucapan takziah to you and family for your loss.

moga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh nya dan di tempat kan di kalangan orang orang yang ber iman, amin.



mn said...

Takziah Kak Aina.

Al-Fatihah. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.

suanie said...

my condolences to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nuraina,

I would like to extend my deepest and heartfelt condolences to you and the entire Samad family. Your Bapak was a great man by anyone's standard.

Anonymous said...

Tahziah kepada Puan dan keluarga. Sesungguhnya kehilangan Almarhum adalah satu kehilangan besar kepada Bangsa, Agama dan Negara. Semoga Puan bersabar.

Mokhtar Adnan

Lee said...

Sad at the passing of a great man.My condolences to you Nuriana and also to Maria and the rest of the family.
Pak Samad was a nationalist who has contributed in many ways to the country.Besides being a veteran jounalist and contributor to the nation's literature, he was among those who fought for the recognition of the National Language of our country.

rizal hashim said...

Saya lupa, pemergian seorang nasionalis tulen ini pada malam Jumaat bulan Ramadhan yang mulia.
Mengikut sebuah hadith diriwayatkan oleh Tirmizi, maksudnya,Tiadalah seorang muslim yg mati di siang hari jumaat atau malam jumaat melainkan Allah menyelamatkannya dari seksa kubur. Amin

Anonymous said...

innalillah wa innalillahi roji'un

dear Kak Nuraina, i'm so sorry for your lost. yr dad is at a better place now. semoga dia di kalangan orang-orang yg dikasihiNya. i pray Allah give u & yr family strength n faith. - pj

Anonymous said...

May the soul rest in peace. Al Fatihah. an

Unknown said...

Al - Fatihah.

Please accept my condolences. Be strong. He has gone to a better place.

May Allah bless his soul, Amin.

Fauziah Ismail said...

Salam Ena
Naj and I would like to convey our deepest condolences to you and family on Bapak's passing.
We wished we had words to comfort and sustain you in your grief. We know there are none that will take away any pain you are feeling now.
Semoga Allah SWT mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Bapak.
Al Fatihah.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolenses to you and the family. He was a great man. May his soul rest in peace.

Ah Yun Wong said...

My sincere and heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
I pray that God gives you the strength to bear the loss.
Hopefully the fond memories of your dad will help you through this time of sorrow.

alang said...

Takziah kepada Nuraina sekeluarga. Moga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Pak Samad. Al-Fateha.
- Chairul Fahmy Hussaini.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about this. my condolences to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you and your family.

Kak Teh said...

Al Fatehah. Semoga arwah ditempatkan di samping orang yang beriman. Pak Samad has left us in this blessed month of Ramadhan.
Salam takziah from both of us - Ah & Hulaimi.

Old Fart said...

My deepest condolences. He did leave a life that is to be celebrated. hope that will give you the joy and comfort that you and your family will need now.

Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah.

Inna lillahi wainna ilaihiroji'un.

May All bless you and family members, always.

Ahmed Razman said...

Takziah dari saya sekeluarga

telur dua said...

My condolence to you and your family.

Elle Syeila said...

Takziah dan semoga roh Pak Samad dicucuri rahmat. Amin.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia kehilangan pejuang pena..
Salam takziah..

Anonymous said...

Takziah buat Kak Aina sekeluarga. Semoga rohnya dirahmati Allah dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yg beiman. Tan Sri meninggalkan kita di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia.


Anonymous said...

Al-Fatihah. Semoga Allah s.w.t. mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh-Nya dan menempatkan Allahyarham bersama orang-orang yang soleh. Amin.


Sarip Dol said...

al-fatihah...semoga roh dicucuri rahmat

anwardi said...

Dear Ena,
My condolences to you and the whole family. We share we you your loss and the nation's loss. I will always remember my time with him at the Editorial Room in the 70s with much fondness.
Your father was a great man.
Al Fatihah

Didi (Anwardi)

Anonymous said...


Nora aka Anon Fm Miri said...

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un.

Al Alfatihah.

Anonymous said...

My condolences.
Had known of this when I received a SMS alert from The Star at 7:06 PM.

I don't know the man myself. However, I had read exceptional things about him from the revelations of those who were close enough to afford insights of his person. I must say that ALL were positive.

Will others offer the same tributes and acknowledgements TO US when our own time comes?

aficiozado said...

takziah saya ucapkan.. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat

silversarina said...

Al Fatihah.

Takziah buat seisi keluarga.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nuraina,

Our Takziah to you and your loved one on the passing of your beloved father.

From Chew & Jothy

Shue said...

Assalamualaikum to k.Ena and family,

Alfatihah utk arwah.Moga di cucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan di kalangan org2 beriman, insya allah.


Anonymous said...

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirajiuun.
Our condolence to your family.

Anonymous said...

Takziah Kak Ena. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham. Al-Fatihah.


zeme said...

Al-Fatihah to Allahyarham Pak Samad. Al-Fatihah.

Anonymous said...

My condolences.

Richard Loh said...

My sincere condolences, Nuraina.

Anonymous said...

Turut berduka cita atas berpulangnya Pak Samad ke Rahmatullah. Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan mendapat ketabahan.

Al-Fatihah is dedicated to Pak Samad.

boeyzone said...

We will miss this Towering Malaysian. And tower he did over over unsuspecting journalists hunched over their typewriters in the newsroom. The first indication the journalist will have that his story intro is not up to mark is a public appraisal in Pak Samad's trademark blast. You sure learn fast after that. He mentored many aspiring reporters that way, and that many have themselves moved up the ranks in the media world is living testimony of Pak Samad's contribution to the media industry today. Farewell good teacher. /stephen boey

Freddy Toh said...

Al-Fatihah. extending my deepest condolence..

Hi&Lo said...


My deepest and heartfelt condolences to your siblings.

Don't hold back your grief. Just let it flow.

You can take comfort Pak Samad has lived a full life. His participation in shaping history and his role model to many in his profession speak volume of the man.

Because of his stature, he had to suffer for his conviction. A man who could make the authorities feel threatened is THE man.

He runs a good race. A good death is a life well lived.

May his soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Nuraina, Takziah to you and the family.

romzi seli said...

Takziah diucapkan untuk seluruh keluarga... jasa dan pengorbanan beliau, tak dapat dilupakan begitu saja... Semoga Roh beliau ditempatkan bersama golongan orang-orang yang beriman. Amin.

Deekay said...

My deepest condolence to you & family, Ms. Nuraina.

Anonymous said...

al-fatihah.... :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

takziah kepada kak nuraina dan keluarga..

Unknown said...

Al fatihah.

IBU said...

Kak Ena,

Salam takziah from Ibu & Ayah. Semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham dan ditempatkan bersama orang2 yg beriman.


Anonymous said...

takziah to the whole family.

God bless.


azman salleh said...

Al fatihah.. moga Allah memasukkan Allahyarham dalam golongan orang-orang yang beriman.. amin

Lo said...

My condolences to you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Kak Ena,

Takziah buat Kak Ena & Family. Al- Fatihah untuk arwah Pak Samad.


nooryahaya said...

Innna Lillahi Wainna Lillahi Rajiun. My condolences to Kak Aina and family. Semoga Roh Pak Samad Di Cucuri Rahmat Allah dan di masukkan dalam golongan orang yang do redhai Allah.

Kerajaan Rakyat said...


Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan
hamba yang soleh.

Salam takziah kepada Nuraina and keluarga.

Anonymous said...

Takziah kepada keluarga..semoga Rohnya di Rahmati ALLAH SWT.amin

Halwafy said...

Salam Takziah..

Semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama roh-roh orang yang saleh.


MHB said...

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun...

He lived his life the best way he knew how... May God place his soul amongst the solihin...

My condolences to the Pak Samad clan. God bless

syed syahrul zarizi b syed abdullah said...


Saya tumpang sedih. Sedih. Mungkin tiada lagi penganti untuk orang sehebat pak samad

Semoga allahyarham Pak Samad dicucuri rahmat. Takziah kepada keluarga Pak Samad

Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah. Semoga kakak dan keluarga tabah menghadapi Ramadan dan Syawal tahun ini.

Admin said...


Saya mengucapkan salam takziah kepada puan dan seisi keluarga.

Di harapkan seisi keluarga tabah dan sabar menghadapi saat-saat ini.


Dr Novandri Hasan Basri

Nostradamus said...

Takziah to U and Family.

Laila Abas @ Kay Abas said...

Salam takziah to you and your family

Anonymous said...


Daripadanya kita datang dan kepadanya kita kembali. Mudah2ahan terlepas dari azab kubur berkat Ramadhan yang mulia dan hari Jumaat penghulu segala hari.


Anonymous said...

A'kum .

Al Fatihah .My deepest condolence to you and family .

Semoga roh nya ( yr bapak ) diletak bersama orang orang yang soleh .Yes ...the most we can do is Redha ...

Anonymous said...

Dear Cik Ena,

Deepest takziah to you, Makcik and your whole family on Tok Samad's demise. As I stood outside his room at the ICU two nights ago, heart-wrenching memories of my late father in hospital came flooding back. Your last posting about praying for a miracle also hit too close to home.

Tok Samad lived a long, full, blessed life and didn't go without a fight. To return to Allah on the eve of Friday in the holy month of Ramadan... who could've asked for more?

May he rest amongst Allah's best.


bayi said...

Condolences. My heart's with your family. May Pak Samad rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Deepest Condolences to you and your family.

Valisa said...

inna lilah wa inna ilayhi raji`oon

al fatihah

*big hugs*

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolence to you and the family, Nuraina. May God bless your Bapak's soul. Al-Fatihah.

Anonymous said...

my condolences.

Jorji said...

Al fatihah.

Anonymous said...

Innalillah Wainna ilaihirajiu’un
“To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return – Al Baqarah (156)”

Al Fatihah.
Takziah to Ena & all Pak Samad’s family members. Semoga Allah s.w.t. cucuri Rahmat ke atas rohnya dan di tempatkan bersama mereka yang beriman.

1st week of Ramadhan and on Friday evening. It’s the best for him Ena, SubhanAllaah.

Anonymous said...


My condolences to you and your family. I enjoyed reading "Tuesdays with Bapak" because it reminds me so much of my own family. It is so obvious that you adore and respected your father - he must have known and appreciated as much as he was proud to have your as his daughter. May he rest in peace with angels.....Take care !

TPJ said...

Asalamualaikum Nuraina.

Please accept our deepest condolences. May his spirit rest amongst the righteous.

He left us on a Thursday night in the month of Ramadhan and will be prayed for by the Friday congregation. That is an exit of a member of the As Sadiqin. Insha'Allah.

You are blessed to have had a father live long enough to share his joy with your children and be proud of you.


Al said...

Salam Takziah to you and family. A great loss to the nation and us all indeed.


Anonymous said...

A great lost to the people and the country.

Ta'ziah to you family.

Anonymous said...


Inna Lillaahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rojiuun. My condolence to you and family.

Allah has called him back on a very good day, Ramadhan and a Thursday & Friday eve. Alhamdulillah.

May his soul be placed among His righteous servants. Al Fatihah.

Moideen Kadir

zorro said...

My deepest condolence Ina. I dedicated a post to him.
Al Fatihah.

Anonymous said...

Be strong of heart and faith.
Be happy in a way that you will see all that your dad was, in you, your children and your family around you as he will always be there.

Aida said...

It is a great loss to the nation
My condolences to you and your family
May God bless his soul

Anonymous said...


I am sorry for your loss.

I feel like its our loss too not because he was well known but because he had contributed so much.

Take care.
Aida - silent reader

labulabi said...


Takziah. Tan Sri pergi meninggal kita pada bulan yang penuh kenikmatan. Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.

Sarjan low said...


It is a nation loss as well.

Take care

[danial][ma] said...

hej! sis deepest condolences of the demised of Bapak. May he rest in peace and his be blessed. amen. May GOD give you and family a strength to go through this difficult moment.

Violet Ann said...


semoga roh Pak Samad ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang beriman

Anonymous said...

Takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham Pak Samad. Semuga roh beliau di tempatkan bersama mereka yang beriman.


rapheydhillo said...

takziah..semoga rohnya dicucuri Rahmat.

Anonymous said...

Condolences Kak Nuraina and family. And thank you for being a great grandpa and pa to all we Malaysian journalists Pak Samad. We'll all miss U. RIP.


Anonymous said...

Alfatihah & takziah utk keluarga kak Nuraina..

Anonymous said...

Hi Kak Ena
My deepest condolence for u and your family for your lost. Alfatihah.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kak Ena
My deepest condolence to you and your family for the great lost


Anonymous said...


Al Fatihah buat arwah dan salam takziah untuk Puan dan keluarga.Semuga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Ameen...

Anonymous said...

So sorry, Nuraina.

Take care and be strong, ok?

sweetsensation said...

Hi Kak Ena,
My deepest condolence to your great lost. Al Fatihah.


GobloKing said...

Deepest Condolences Aina

I do not know your father but I have heard good things of him

The measure of a Man is not by how he died but by how he lives..

From all quarters your father truly sounds like a Prince who has left his Footprints infinitely in the sands of Life

God Speed his Soul

Anonymous said...

Dear Nuraina,

I'm saddened by the news of your dad's passing away.

May the almighty shower his love upon his soul.

God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Alfatihah. Rest in peace, Pak Samad.

Anonymous said...

May Bapak rest in peace and also our condolences to you and family.

Anonymous said...

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un!

Ena dan keluarga Pak Samad,

Salam dan pelukan takziah drp saya yg jauh. Saya doakan tabah dan rela.


Bentoh said...

I'm sorry to hear that... Be strong...

Anonymous said...

Innalillah wa-inna ilaihi raji’un.

Kak Ena, I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. Takziah to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojium
Malaysia mourns for she has lost a great son.
Pulangnye pada bulan ramadan al-mubarak, alhamdulillah, moga Allah cucuri rahmat atas roh nye, inshaallah.

busymum100 said...

Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama.

That sums it up.

Semoga ruhnya dicucuri rahmat oleh NYA.

My condolences to you and family.

Lily Haslina Nasir said...

Semoga Pak Samad tenang di sana. Dari jauh saya kirimkan al-Fatihah dan Yaasin utk almarhum Pak Samad. Buat Kak Ena dan keluarga, moga tabah menerima dugaan ini.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

my deepest condolences to you, aunty maria and the whole family atas pemergian ayahanda tercinta. semoga roh arwah ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang mukmin. Amin.


NorthBorneoGirl said...

My heartfelt condolences for you and your family. Al-Fatihah.

Unknown said...

Deepest Condolences To Pak Samad's Family.

We have lost a true-blue Anak Bangsa Malaysia.

God Bless.

Jaya & family

Bantal Bucuk said...

Al Fatihah

Semoga rohnya ditempatkan di kalangan para solihiin.

A huge huge loss for Malaysia.

Anonymous said... condolence to u and ur family.

Pak Idrus said...

Nuraina, Condolence and Al Fatihah. Your late Dad is a good man and a great son of the country. We are proud of him and his works. Take care.

Unknown said...

Dear Nuraina,

My deepest condolence to you and your family on the demise of your beloved father. Peace be with him always.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences on your bereavement.
Be well...

bro brotherhood, said...

ان لله و ان اليه راجعون
اللهم اغفر له و ارحمه واعف عنه
آمين ثم آمين

Al-Fatihah pada Arwah Pak Samad dan harap Sis sekeluaga tabahkan hati dan kuatkan semangat..Amiinn..


Niz said...

Dear Nuraina,

My condolences on your loss. May He enhance your recompense and be generous in your calamity and forgive your father and induce you with patience and multiply, for us and for you, recompense through patience.

We share your grief.

Anonymous said...

Deepest condolence on your father's sudden demise.

Anonymous said...

salam takziah.


Hariz Hussein said...

kak aina,
takziah diatas pemergian ayahanda tercinta.

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you and your family. May GOD bless your dad soul.

mindful mariner said...

Nuraina, please accept deepest condolences on your bereavement.
Your late father, fondly known to all as Pak Samad, was held in great regard, will be deeply missed not only by his family, but by many people both in Malaysia and worldwide.
May his soul rest in peace.
Al Fatihah.

Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah
Takziah kepada semua keluarga.
Arwah merupakan seorang manusia yang sungguh terbilang.

Anonymous said...

Bahawasanya kami kepunyaan Allah SWT dan bahawasanya kami akan kembali kepada Nya.
.. Al Fatihah ..
Semoga Allah SWT mencucuri rahmat kepada Pak Samad dan di masukan kedalam syurga jannatulnaim.
.. Amin ..

Wali Kota

Anonymous said...


Allahyarham pergi pada hari yang baik, bulan yang baik.

Takziah buat seluruh keluarga.


Anonymous said...


Our condolences to the family of a great man. May Allah bless his soul , Amin.

p/s: If the above image do not show,please visit

Anonymous said...

Takziah kepada seluruh keluarga,semuga ruh Pak Samad di cucuri rahmat illahi.Insyaallah.

Unknown said...


Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham, semoga Allah tempatkan rohnya di kalangan para solihin...

resident.wangsamaju said...

My condolences Nuraina.

Anonymous said...

My heartfelt condolence at this moment of sadness and mourning.

Anonymous said...

Please accept my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. May God bless you, keep and comfort you.

Anonymous said...

I am deeply sorry for your loss.


Anonymous said...

dear nuraina

condolences to u & yr family on the demise of yr beloved dad...never got a chance to know him but his reputation sure preceded him his book on the stories he filed in his younger days though and i must say his writing puts us all to shame

Anonymous said...

God bless his soul and may his family find strength in this moment of sorrow. We will miss a true Malaysian son. I feel sad and shed tears of sorrow on hearing his passing.

Lawyer Kampung said...

Inalillahwainalillahirajiun. My condolence to you, tok mommy and the rest of of your family.

Donplaypuks® said...

My sincere commiserations to you and your family. He was a man with great spirit and will be remembered for a long time to come in M'sian history.


LifeBloom said...

Salam K Aina

My deepest condolences - Al-Fatihah. Semoga tabah dan redha.

Bung Karno said...

Inalillah Wainalillahhirrajiun.
Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.

Takziah kepada seluruh keluarga Pak Samad.


Anonymous said...

Saya,Mohd Ezam ingin mengucapkan takziah kepada anda sekeluarga atas kehilangan seorang bapa yang telah banyak berjasa kepada negaranya.Tentunya allah telah menunjukkan kasihnya kepada bapak kerana telah memilih bulan yang penuh keberkatan ini untuk menjemputnya pulang.Al-fatihah.

Mohd Ezam Yunus

mus said...

Kak Ena,

Saya ucapkan takziah kepada kak dan seluruh ahli keluarga Pak Samad. Dari bacaan saya akan tulisan kak dalam Tuesday With Bapak, saya dapat selami lebih dalam tentang diri Pak Samad sendiri. Novel-novel beliau merupakan tarikan utama kepada saya untuk membaca di perpustakaan sekolah, lebih 30 tahun lalu.

Sekali saya mula membaca, maka sampai habislah akan saya baca novel beliau sehingga larut malam dalam cahaya api minyak tanah.
Setiap kunjungan saya ke perpustakaan, novel beliaulah yang saya cari. Saya masih ingat novel pertama karangan beliau yang saya baca, Patah Sayap Terbang Jua. Juga Tembok Tidak Tinggi, Kail Panjang Sejengkal, dan lain-lain. Malahan sehingga hari ini saya masih seronok membaca semula mana-mana novel beliau yang saya jumpa.

Saya doakan agar Allah mencucuri rahmat kepada roh beliau dan beliau ditempatkan bersama-sama mereka yang diredhaiNya.

- Mustafa.

Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah.

Semoga diberi ALLAH kekuatan seisi keluarga didalam menempuh keadaan sebegini. ALLAH sahaja yang kekal. Saya kira Ena sekeluarga sudah bersedia menempuhnya.
Ucapan Takziah.

ITM 74/11806
Hostel One

DR SURESH said...

May his soul rest in peace.

UmmikuSayang said...

Sis Nuraina,
May Allah showers His Blessings and Mercy onto your father's soul and place him among the solihins.


Anonymous said...

Kak Aina,

Kami redha.



Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Kak
Kami sekeluarga mensedekahkan Fatiha kepada bapa kakak, Semoga pemergian beliau di terima Allah, satu lagi untung di malam Jumaat. Ramai yg doa siang malam, nak menghembuskan nafas di hari Jumaat. Semoga roh nya di terima. Salam.

azmibinanuar said...

Takziah to all the family. Alfatihah to Pak Samad.

KS Cheah said...

My heartfelt condolences to you and your family, Nuraina. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah

Sorry for your loss. We share your grief. Condolence to you and family. You are blessed not only for having a dad who was an eminent journalist. Pak Samad was also a good Husband, Dad, Grandpa and Great Grandpa.

Idzan Ismail

Anonymous said...

MarGeeMar is saddened with the passing of your beloved father Allahyarham Samad Ismail.

The Warriors of Truth & Justice have lost a Warrior.

Semoga Allah mencucuri Rahmatnya.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that. My deep condolence to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Madam,

In your hour of grief...


Pak Zawi said...

Takziah keatas pemergian bapak Nuraina. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya.

Anonymous said...

Dear Aina
My condolences.

Anonymous said...

yang saya kenang dan ingat tentang allahyarham ialah ;

seorang pejuang agama dan bangsa

dan hakikat nya sumbangan dia yang akan di amabil kira.

dia tidak menggunakan agama untuk mengkafir kan orang yang seagama dengan nya.

kita tidak berdiri kepayahan hari ini jika tidak kerana sumbangan nya seperti juga pejuang yang lain.

Mungkin ada yang tidak menghargai nya tetapi apa yang lebih penting Allah jua yang akan membalas nya

Di bulan ramadhan yang mulia ini dia meninggal kan kita.

Dia kembali ke rahmatullah bertemu kembali dengan kekasih Nya seperti yang telah di tetap kan.

Tenang lah dan bahagia lah hati mu....

Pak Samad,
kita akan bertemu lagi.

Al Fatihah.

Anonymous said...


kulupSakah said...

alfatihah kak! Saya ada sedikit pengalaman@kebetulan dgn arwah 2minggu lepas yang saya tulis di blog saya.entah secara sengaja saya telah membawa novel HUD ke dalam Masjidilharam menyambung baca setelah melakukan ibadah2 dan sementara menunggu solat..entah berapa kali saya ulang baca novel ini dari tahun ke tahun, saya pun taktau!..selain itu saya suka "orang jauh"..
.tulisan di blog saya adalah satu penghargaan!

Anonymous said...

Takziah kepada Sdri Nuraina sekeluarga atas kehilangan bapak. Mudah-mudahan Ayahanda dicucuri rahmat dan dikumpulkan Allah brsama orang yang soleh, berkat bulan Ramadan yang mulia. Sebagai seorang yang mengenali beliau melalui tulisannya, saya turut merasa sedih akan kehilangannya. Saya juga tidak lupa beliau adalah salah seorang yang pertama bertemu dengan DSAI semasa DSAI dipecat dahulu. Bertuah sdri Nuraina mempunyai seorang bapak yang berjiwa besar dan berpendirian teguh. Al-Fatihah.

Anonymous said...


artic turban said...

My Family and I express our sincerest condolonces to you and your family on the passing of your father. May Allah bless his soul. Alfatihah. He was a giant among mortals and always stood for his principles. god bless.

syik s. said...

Al Fatihah....i always love his writing....

A Voice said...

Sum mum buk mum 'um yum fahum laa yar ji'un

Dari tuhan kita datang, kepadanya kita kembali.

Pak Samad Pulang ke Rahmatullah ... Al Fatihah

My condolence to you, Kak Maria, your loverly sisters and brothers. Most heartfelt sadness for Puan Sri.

A Voice said...


Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Ro'jiun

Dari than kita datang, kepadanya kita pulang

Pak Samad Pulang Ke Rahmatullah ... Al Fatihah

My condolence to you, Kak Maria, your lovely sisters and brothers. Most heartfelt sadness to Puan Sri.

May Allah shower rahmat on his soul in this Blessed month of Ramadhan.


Anonymous said...

aina dear, please take good care of yourself, ok ! GOODBLESS, amen !

Anonymous said...

Deepest sympathies to you and your family on your loss. - Noyawns

mdyasin said...

Salam Takziah kami sekeluarga ucapkan . Semuga Almarhum dihimpun bersama solihin. Amin

Satria Asia said...

My deepest condolences to you and family Ena.

Anonymous said...

Accept my heartfelt condolences....and may God watch over him.

Wattahack? said...

Dear Nuraina
my condolences to your family... stay strong ... God bless

Hazwan Mohd Nor said...

takziah Kak Ena

smg Allah SWT mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Pak Samad.

web admin said...


HeadLiner said...


Deepest condolences..

If you have the time , this is my memory of this great man..

Anonymous said...

my condolences to you and the family.
beliau meninggal dalam bulan yang teramat mulia.
semoga Allah S.W.T mencucuri rahmat keatas roh beliau dan meletakkan arwah dikalangan mereka yang beriman dan disayangi.

Harris Iskandar Taib

aZul said...

Al-Fatihah ! Takziah dari kami dengan Doa semoga Roh Allahyarham Pak Samad akan ditempatkan bersama dengan Roh orang-arang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, Amin.

Pak Tuo said...

Ke Makam Pahlawan.

Al Fatiha

Anonymous said...

Heartfelt condolences, Ena. God be with you and your family during this time of bereavement.
Your dad was probably the greatest of journalism icons this country has ever seen. Just about every senior journalist has one war story or another about him.

God bless

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences to you, dear.

Anonymous said...

Salam Takziah Buat Sdr Nuraina Sekeluarga. Semoga Allahyarham Pak Samad ditempatkan disisi para salihin serta dicucuri rahmat.

Kehilangan yang sukar dicari ganti buat dunia kewartawanan Melayu. Beliau membawa bersama satu era kegemilangan kewartawanan melayu yang berteduh di bawah rimbunan perjuangan "Demi Agama, Bangsa dan Tanahair".

Biarpun Pak Samad sudah tiada,jejak perjuangan yang dipelopori oleh beliau akan menjadi inspirasi buat generasi kewartawanan masa mendatang.

Anonymous said...

Salam Takziah Buat Sdr Nuraina Sekeluarga. Semoga Allahyarham Pak Samad ditempatkan disisi para salihin serta dicucuri rahmat.

Kehilangan yang sukar dicari ganti buat dunia kewartawanan Melayu. Beliau membawa bersama satu era kegemilangan kewartawanan melayu yang berteduh di bawah rimbunan perjuangan "Demi Agama, Bangsa dan Tanahair".

Biarpun Pak Samad sudah tiada,jejak perjuangan yang dipelopori oleh beliau akan menjadi inspirasi buat generasi kewartawanan masa mendatang.

Unknown said...

Innalillahirajiun. Semoga Ruh Almarhum ditempatkan di sisi para syuhadah. Perjuangan Almarhum tetapt dalam sanubari kami. Amin.

Anonymous said...


My deepest condolences go out to you and your family.

Pak Samad has been a huge influence in my life and career. I believe I speak for most in saying that he will be sorely missed and much remembered always.

Azrin said...

Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.

My thoughts with you and your family.

KetchupMissy said...

innallilah. may Allah bless his soul.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

may his soul rest in peace.... our community lost a father-figure.

my best to the family...

Fadhil said...

Takziah dari saya. Semuga roh allahyarham Pak Samad ditempatkan bersama-sama orang yg beriman.

Ayah said...


Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmay Nya dan ditempatkan bersama-sama mereka yang diredhaiNya...

Alfatihah daro kami sekeluarga..

MarPiscean said...

salam takziah utk Kak Ena sekeluarga dan Alfateha utk arwah Bapak

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you and your family.

Al fatihah.


tan, tanjong bungah said...

Hi semua,

Takziah diucapkan kepada Nuraina A Samad dan ahli-ahli keluarga allahyarham Pak Samad.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Kak Nuraina,

My heartfelt condolences to both you and Kak Maria.

yohteh said...


Inna lillah Wainna ilaihi raa ji'unn...

DariNya kita datang dan kepadaNya kita kembali...

Mudah-mudahan Allah (swt) mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Pak Samad... Amin.

Takziah untuk Puan dan seluruh keluarga Pak Samad.


Salt N Turmeric said...

Innalillah. Kak Ena, takziah to you and your family. I read about it on thestar online.

Anonymous said...

My heart and prayers are with you and your family... as with so many others who have been inspired by your dad. -rina o-

Bob K said...

My deepest condolences. I have been inspired many times by his example and writings.

BukiTiLMu ( BI ) said...


ucapan takziah dari sy kepada saudari dan keluarga semua..

semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat ALLAH swt..dan moga2 ditempatkan diantara org2 yang terpelihara...


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