Wednesday, February 08, 2012

PAS Youth and Valentine's Day

Let me try to get this right -- PAS Youth is not against people celebrating Valentine's Day. Except Muslims..

PAS Youth is against Muslims celebrating Valentine's Day because it is against Islamic "syariat" as it is of Christian origin . It believes that celebrating this day of love and romance can lead to widespread immoral activities such as premarital and unlawful sex.

Because just making noise about it does not seem to have much effect on young Muslims, PAS Youth now wants the government to use its power over the mainstream media to broadcast anti-Valentine's day ads and messages to dissuade Muslims from celebrating it.

The movement is against the widespread media coverage and promotion of Valentine's Day.

PAS Youth says while Malaysia is diverse, Muslims make up 60 per cent of the population and should be subject to Islamic laws and regulations.

Also, it points out that in 2005, the National Fatwa Council declared that Islam does not encourage the celebration of Valentine's Day as it is associated with Christian elements.

So tomorrow morning, the movement will submit a memorandum to Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim at his office.

It seems to be its practice of late - just ahead of Valentine's Day, PAS Youth sends out this message or rather warning. Non-Muslim bodies, including political parties will respond by reminding the movement about the non-Muslims in the country who have the right to celebrate Valentine's Day.

PAS Youth will clarify that it understands the sentiments but is doing all this because it does not want this to be a trend among Muslims.

Besides, Muslims the world over are against this celebration.

However, PAS Youth insists that it is not trying to be the moral police or enforcers.

Last year, ahead of Valentine's Day, JAKIM launched a campaign "Mind the Valentine's Day Trap. On the day, religious enforcement officers launched co-ordinated raids, targeting budget hotels and public parks in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.

In Selangor alone, officials said 80 people were detained for khalwat or close proximity. In KL, there were raids as well. Overall, some 100 people were caught.

So, come Feb 14, we'll expect raids on budget hotels.

But you know, that's not how Valentine's Day is celebrated. You raid budget and six-star hotels today, you're bound to nab people - young or/and old - doing what they're not supposed to be doing.

Traditionally in modern times, people celebrate Valentine's Day by sending red roses to the ones they love. It used to be the guys sending the flowers. These days, girls send flowers too. You can't afford red roses (other kinds of flowers just won't do!) you send cards.

You can't afford cards or you just don't do cards in this digital age, there are just so many other ways of declaring your love ....

And then, of course, the Valentine's Day dinner. Anywhere is romantic.

Actually, that's all there is to the celebration. Now, those people who check into hotels -- well, they'd be doing it anyway. Valentine's Day is just an excuse.

All I can say is that Valentine's Day has become so commercial and commercialized. Florists make a killing, so do hotels and restaurants...I mean on that day or days before Valentine's Day, you can be sure the sales of chocolates and cards and God knows-what, shoot up.

Brisk business...

Anyway, I'd like to tell PAS Youth to chill out but I know that they have to do what they have to do. It's part of of their raison d'etre or it is their raison d'etre.

Now, let me get this right, PAS Youth is not trying to be the moral police. Right?

Thank goodness for that..


bruno said...

Nuraina,maybe to these people's mentality, Muslim's paid attention to one day's events to decide what their love activities or love lives will be for the next 364 or 365 days in a leap year.

In other words no celebrating of Valentine's Day will lead to total eradication of immoral activities such as premarital and unlawful sex.Potential companions for the hard thinking NFC lembus.

lordapes said...

I would think a "negara kebajikan" mentaliti is to GIVE roses to the needy, not raiding hotels and such. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Radio stations can play this song over and over again on valentine's day...:))


brokentoe said...

I know you dont like what they did. Pleaselah.....why you always bother of any movement to ensure good things taken place........

This comment has been removed by the author.

bruno: frankly i have no idea what they're thinking...


lordapes: hmmm. i'd like to think so too.

Wak (anon@9:57AM): gotta to listen to that.

Lee said...

PAS Youth is wrong.Do some reading before making a fool of yourselves!
Such low unbecoming mentality!


Lee: the thing is they believe they're doing the right thing. it's always the case with "religious" people. they are holier than the rest of us and they can lead us to heaven.
they forget that they are a political movement that seeks to overthrow the government which means that they seek power to govern the country.
i have a problem trusting religious people hungry for power.


brokentoe: personally, i don't think PAS Youth should even bother to do what they're doing with regards to Valentine's Day.

You want to curb maksiat -- well go ahead if you have the power to do that -- do it everyday then not just on valentine's Day becos there are people sinning everyday, all year round.

so many pressing issues facing the ummah...

Anonymous said...

It is "Couples Day" according to PAS. It is okay now, I guess.

Anonymous said...

like a kid deprived of atttention... they will do things get the attention of their parents...

this is no different... they just want to be seen as doing something, fighting for a cause... to get them higher up... they have not proposed a working and practical solution anyway... warning people not to celebrate valentines day is like telling the public not to buy contraband cigarettes from XYXY shop...

standard SOP: media coverage, memos, demonstrations... what next?



anon@7:42AM: long as the couple is married. PAS kelantan on thursday launched February (starting this month) as "husband and wife" month, as an alternative to Valentine's Day.

They believe in celebrating love and devotion between sweethearts but only "halal".. cannot girlfriend boyfriend...


IMP : they're politicians, politicians crave publicity but only publicity that works for them to their advantage,

i suggest PAS investigates claims of fact there is a facebook group -- "Murtad" or something..
for me, if Muslims want to convert -- there's really nothing you can do. It is their choice. But i get offended if these apostates run down Islam, Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because I don't run down other religions and against people insulting the faiths of others.

Pocahontas said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Kak Ena....and everyone else in the world....may our lives be filled with luuuurrrvvvvee!! Like this can ah?


pocahontas: Happy Valentine to you too...


pocahontas: Happy Valentine to you too...

Anonymous said...

maybe before you right, you should go and make some research about islam. of course it starts with sending flowers and chocolates and most of it ends in bed! its true that our country should totally follow islamic rules since majority are muslims. it maybe sweet to send flowers in us but make it clear not here! there's no need specific day to celebrate love day, you can celebrate everyday!