Saturday, August 30, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Hari Merdeka!

I wish all Malaysians a very happy Independence Day!

And to our beloved country -- "A happy 51st Merdeka"

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!


  1. Aku menangis pada Hari Merdeka.
    (I am Crying on Merdeka (Independence) Day.)

    1. Aku menangis kerana rakyat Malaysia telah hilang kegembiraan dan perasaan terhadap masa hadapan negara yang diimpiankan dan tidak seperti semasa Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman melaungkan “Merdeka!”.

    (I cry because Malaysians have lost the joy and hope of a future Malaysia as wished for unlike the times when the late Tunku Abdul Rahman shouted "Merdeka". )

    2. Aku menanggis memikirkan ada rakyat Malaysia sendiri yang bercakap, berfikir dan bertindak memecahbelahkan rakyat dengan penuh perasaan perkauman dan keagamaan masing-masing tampa ada perasaan kebangsaan dan kesahabatan.

    (I cry thinking of some Malaysians who talk, think and act to divide the citizens with their own racists and religious thoughts without a care for nationalism and friendships.)

    3. Aku menangis memikirkan ada rakyat Malaysia yang lebih mementingkan sendiri dari negara apabila timbul isu-isu parti, jawatan, habuan, kuasa, kawan, kesahabatan dan keadilan.

    (I cry thinking of some Malaysians who care more of themselves rather than the Nation when it comes to issues of party, posts, rewards, power, friends, relationship and fairness.)

    4. Aku menangis memikirkan ada rakyat dan keluarga mereka yang masih belum mendapat keadilan sewaktu dipenjarakan, ditindas, dirompak, diugut, didiskriminasikan dan tidak juga dibenarkan bersuara.

    (I cry thinking of some citizens and their families who have not obtain justice while being imprisoned, oppressed, robbed, threatened, discriminated and not even allowed the freedom of speech.)

    5. Aku menangis memirkirkan ada rakyat Malaysia yang masih hidup Kias Pagi, Makan Pagi; Kias Petang Makan Petang walaupun Malaysia sudah 51 tahun merdeka.

    (I cry thinking there are still Malaysians who still live from Hand to Mouth everyday, even though Malaysia has already achieved 50 years of Independence.)

    Posted at

  2. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Marilah kita terus mempertahankan kemerdekaan negara...

    Anak Merdeka

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Selamat Menyambut Hari Merdeka dan Selamat Menempuh Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak...

  4. Anonymous11:25 PM

    aina sweetie, SORRY ! can't share your happiness . too sorrowful & distressful for this 51st occasion !

  5. Malaysia birthday is on 16 Sept. 31st August is Malaysia Merdeka Anniversary. Pardon me if i'm wrong.

  6. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Go for CHANGE. 16 September should be the choice for MERDEKA day for MALAYSIA. Redefine National interest with Malaysian dream and Malaysian promise.There must be a political will now or else we will not be able to answer when ask by our growing up children. Selamat beribadat di bulan Ramadhan dan semoga kita semua dirahmati dan di lindungi ALLAH.

  7. Happy National Day to all Malaysians in all parts of the world!

    Am right now in Tawau, Sabah, after a study tour of seaweed projects in Semporna.

    May peace and prosperity prevail!

    Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 310808
    Sun. 31st Aug. 2008.

  8. I wish I can really celebrate
    The birthday of our beloved State
    But, with prices spiralling unabate
    And nothing done to negate
    The inexorable forces to inflate,
    It is very very hard to celebrate!
    The Budget..alas! do not ameliorate
    The pains of the suffering electorates!

  9. Anonymous1:21 PM

    CRYING !? NO NO NO !! fight for
    justice lah whatever ways man !!crying is just WEAKNESS & useless !

  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    WHAT ! this still happening !?
    RM 10juta of 'teaching aid for maths/sains' terHILANG !!
    last time, rm30k for repairs in a chinese school BUT only 3k was used & 27k termasuk pocket seseolang BUT the kerisman was angry with the mp who has exposed it !!

  11. Selamat menyambut hari merdeka and selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan...

  12. Anonymous6:23 PM

    M E R D E K A ?

    Rakyat menjamah siput babi cecah garam...kerajaan bermesyuarat, katering hotel 5 bintang!

    Rakyat naik kapcai, kena halau polis eskot VIP, gaji mereka rakyat juga yang bayar!

    Rasuah berleluasa dari piun ke pak menteri. Pak Lah kata mana ada! Semua pun blogger punya kerja!

    Balik kat kampung jenguk orang tua sekali sekala, minyak naik balik tak berkala!

    Rakyat membantah, silap hari kena ISA, Pak Lah kan imam besar Islam Hadhari? Amar maaruf, Nahi tak mungkar?

    Merdeka? Merdeka? Merdeka...???

