Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We're Worse Than Myanmar, Ambiga?

Come on, Ambiga. You actually believe that?
You are very mischievous and doing the very thing that you have blasted others for.

We have less freedom under the Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 compared to Myanmar's new legislation that allow street protests?

Even if you put that side by side, surely that's misleading and an erroneous conclusion.

But what you want is to hold street protests? And when you're not allowed, it is shameful? But you're allowed to assemble peacefully . Maybe that's not enough?

You want to hold street protests anywhere and at anytime without having to meet any requirement?

You take exception that we are not allowed to gather at petrol stations?

In other words you want this government to accede to all your demands and when it cannot, it is a bad undemocratic government.

So, you cavalierly say it is so shameful and that Malaysia is worse than Myanmar?

I've taken part in protests and walks before. They - penguin walk and walk for freedom (the one Ambiga/Bar Council cancelled) in 2007 - were peaceful.
The penguin or yellow walk with the lawyers in Putrajaya was memorable. Motorists honked in support. Passersby waved at us.
The Bersih 0.1 was not that peaceful. I think with such a huge mass of people, you'd expect things to get a little bit out of hand. Also politicians hijacked the whole thing...
However, I knew we were a nuisance because traffic was disrupted, among other things.

The requirements under the Peaceful Assembly Bill are nothing to get excited about. Yes, indeed, we should not stop at this.
Let's push and press for freedom.

But let's not get confused. And let's not be mischievous.

Whose freedom are you fighting for when you insist on holding street protests and gathering at petrol stations?

I think we all can make ourselves heard without protesting in the streets. Peaceful assemblies work well and effectively too.

Don't think that wanting reforms and freedom is your exclusive right or that of a few. Others before you have fought the way you would never be able to do.
Others today are less combative than you and are probably more sincere than you, and without an agenda.

You may think we're worse than Myanmar but hell, we're a lot better than the US! In this first world country whose great democracy some people worship -- you can't even assemble peacefully. Of course, it is debatable whether or not the Occupy protesters are depriving others' their freedom to go to the park.

By the way, how was the walk to parliament yesterday? Any problems along the way?



Anonymous said...

u barking up the wrong tree bitch!

Rashidi Zin said...

It amuse me how they have always been using US as referenced and suddenly switched to Myanmar after seeing how US Police handles Occupy Wall Street.

kaki pukul said...

Oi, kalau u ingat itu myanmar lagi terror, lu pegi migrate sana lah. u boleh jadi the macam itu su ki. tapi lu bukan macam su ki, lu langsung tak layak. itu suki lagi terror. lu kena ingat duduk msia boleh bukak mulut cakap banyak tapi boleh balik rumah tidor nyenyak. kalau lu cakap banyak kat myanmar, lu punya lidah mungkin jadi makanan babi. itu anonymous 3:47pm pun boleh ikut ambiga ppegi myanmar. lu tengok berapa lama lu boleh hidup cakap banyak macam lu cakap banyak kat KL.

Anonymous said...

Hello anon 3.47, what's wrong with Nuraina giving her opinion on a matter of public interest. That's her view. You should counter-argue with her if you disgree. Why are you so rude. The person who deserves to be called a 'bitch' is not her but it should be you.

Anonymous said...

What about the rights of the majority who are against street demonstrations? Ambiga, you are just sheer hypocrite. Did you notice how many Occupy Wall Street demonstrators were brutally injured by your beloved US police. Do the right thing for the first time, return your blood tainted Award back to US.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dato,

I am with you on this.

I support the right to a freer expression but definitely in a guarded manner.

I am tempted to just say: to hell with this, and let Ambiga and Co have it their way.

But the track record says they are going to be selective.

You shout about freedom this and freedom that, and you don't say anything about the Opposition censuring the Press in Opposition states?

You talk about fighting for everyone, but says nothing about respecting people's religious views?

If you can fight for the rights of the gays, etc, why are you also not fighting for the rights of Muslims and Malays?

Surely, as someone championing the cause of good governance, it is also your agenda to support what is good?

If that is so, when was the last time you commended the government on a job well done? Surely, while they are not as perfect as you, they have some good in them.

You talk about a corruption-free nation and yet, you say nothing about how Anwar Ibrahim amassed his wealth? What about Azmin Ali? Ronnie Liu? Heck, even Tian Chua can afford a Merc and a four-wheel-drive after winning March 2008? Business that good ah?

It's purely selective. The agenda, masquerading as human rights', is simply to whack the Malays and Islam. Bash them, and anything that can shake them indirectly. We all know the Seksualiti thing would trigger uneasiness among the Muslims. The Muslims don't have a right to be worried about something that is not condoned by their religion?

Contradictions everywhere. It's as simple as that.

I wonder if, hypothetically, Ambiga is aware that this can have just the reverse of an effect on the Opposition (let's call a spade a spade, she is pro-opposition), if they were to come into power?

What if the ultra-Malays or the Muslim leftists take on to the streets in Malay-dominated areas because they are not happy, for example, that a temple is being built there?

What if they march and create havoc, demanding that companies that hire mainly non-Malays and non-Muslims be persecuted?

What if things get out of hand?

What? Only the non-Malays and non-Muslims have rights in this country nowadays?

Think la. Are Malays all that bad? are Muslims all that bad? Can the whole country's problems be the work of a Malay political party and the Muslims?

Hopefully, she doesn't think so. If so, then speak out for their rights too la...

Otherwise, yes, you are indeed mischievious...And that is putting it so very mildly...

Btw, what exactly did Ambiga do to earn the Datukship la? Side-tracking. Not really important, but just wondering...


Anonymous said...

Look, why the charades? Just say Dumno can and will do what ever it please to suit its needs? And that you and that Mat called Rocky are nothin more than stooges? It really is ok, everyone with an ounce of intelligence and common sense already know. So why the charade?

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Rocky 'SHIT' Bru & Nuraina Samad sell the backsides to UMNO to write crap

Anonymous said...

Its having activists like Ambiga and the opposition who rally behind her that kept BN in power for the last half century...BY DEFAULT...


glassman said...

i wouldn't who that anon3:47 was referring to, Nuraina or AMbiga?

anti Bastards said...

anon 3.47 PM, the way you responded to Nuraina's letter shows the kind of freedom you and uour kind would want. Free to be kurang ajar. You and your kind are simply BASTARDs who are not fit to live in this peaceful Tanah Melayu.

Bob PaL-aNi-SaM-y said...

think she said...will have not had...will have less freedom

Anonymous said...


Do you think the government apply the rules fairly?

"Perkasa, Mamak group bring traffic to a standstill"

Would you agree, water cannons and the full force of our FRU would be on hand if its organised by the opposition?

Give us your fair comment on this please.

Anonymous said...

Think that Ambiga and the pack are showing their true colors.

And it doesn't smell good as well.

Anonymous said...

Statistik 2010 - kaum china 22% kaum india 7% sahaja; kecoh? sebab tu depa nak pecahbelahkan kaum Melayu; jika Melayu bersatu ~ finish.

Sam KL

bruno said...

Well,if there were no GE held once in every four to five years,what is the difference between Myanmar and Malaysia.The corrupted robber barons,rapist and even murderers who are associated with the ruling regime go free.While the innocent are spending their retirement in Resort Kamunting or jumping out of high rise offices and buildings.

temenggong said...

Assembly of persons without arms, and assembly of persons with arms.

We have a right to the former - a peaceful assembly, anywhere and anytime we want. On the streets, on the grassy knoll or in petrol stations.

Without arms, anywhere we want.

Charles F Moreira said...

Bersih 2.0 website still mum about Occupy Wall Street or the temporary victory of Occupy LA while protestors sue the city, while none of the "independent media which were so vocal about the so-caled Arab Spring in Tahir Square and Tunisia say nothing about police brutality and arrests of Occupy XX protestors.

Now that stinks of a double standard and might well point to who their mysterious "investors" are.

Anonymous said...

Haprak2 ni tak sedar diri.Suka sangat himpun sini,himpun sana.MeNYUSAHkan orang jer.Klu cemuh sangat dgn maysia ni.pi ler bermastautin d Balik Papan.Angin Asia dok buat promosi ke Balik Papan.Perghhhhhh


Anonymous said...

Thank you Nuraina for your article. I read with agreement everything that you wrote. At last someone acknowledges that street protests have their disadvantages. As a Malaysian I must admit that there are issues that need to be highlighted. But even as a student back in the Reformasi era in 1998 I felt that street protests have more banes than boons. I felt so uncomfortable then. Imagine that you could not go to KL for the fear of being arrested for involvement in the street protests? I realized then that the street protesters do not represent the interests of the majority as they claimed. They were fighting for a select few and that is wrong. What greater rights do the street protesters possess that they can inflict such an uneasiness on people like me? And the more I think about what Ambiga is doing, I believe more and more that she is out there to disturb the peace. So, please stop this madness Ambiga.

Johorean and proud Malaysian!

Anonymous said...

well said, well written Dato.
Ambiga and Bar council has been poison with opposition ideology..nothing the governemnet do is good enough. They always see the negative side.
Good that many malaysians are now seeing their antics and getting fed up with their attitue... sikit2 nak demo. sikit2 nak take to the streets. Ambiga and the like, please grow up. Instead of focusing your minds and energy to find faults with the government, why not channel the same to foster better understanding between the races and unite Malaysian? You are divinding Malaysians further apart with your " us vs you all" approach. Very damaging to Malaysia indeed. You may think you are doing a good thing, but it is the contrary. Ambiga, I know you are reading this, so please own up and put a stop to all this nonsense.
Anak Pak Deris

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:47. Your mother must have been a whore. A busy one. She had no time to teach you good manners.

Rockybru said...

Dear Ena,

Ramai yang marah2 you tulis pasal Achi ni. Tak tulis pun marah ... Hehe.

The truth is, this government has allowed protests. Bar Council has organsed its freedom walk every year. That one year when Pak Lah said don't walk (i think in 2007), the lawyers still walked and nothing serious happened. Latifah Koya was arrested I think but she was making hell of a noise. I was there walking with the lawyers. Of course, when some of them turned out to be politicians, it became a sore point for me lah.

Ambiga I hope will not be another sore point. If the Achi becomes a candidate in the new PRU13, all these championing will prove to be just another charade.


Rockybru said...

By the way, any of these pro-Occupy has been there? I was in Perth and saw up close the Occupy Perth protest. Really, a small bunch of hippies' remnants with fancy bandanas and handpainted t-shirts.

In Malaysia, we have the bottom 40 per cent that earn less than RM1,500 to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Anti Bastards,
This is anon 3:47.

If you are referring to Malaysia, I have seen what you guys are capable of to your own kind and it aint pretty.

Commit khalwat, zina and bribery all the time yet other things are dosa and tak halal.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 7:31. YOU are the one without any intelligence and common sense. Having a good time in my country but yet so ungrateful. Your type will send your mothers to old folks home once they are rendered useless.

Fairness to All said...

There are some people who just can't have a dissenting opinion and show their intolerance by mouthing expletives and other nonsense as if they are very clever, when in actual fact, it only exposes their ignorance and stupidity. I would suggest that people like Anon 7.31 and Anon 7.43 just go take a hike!
It is scarry that there are people like these amongst us and who advocate "freedom" of speech only if the contents are acceptable by them. How sad.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:43 - Datuk Nuraina Samad is a well known and respectable writer. You dont know this, do you? Why? Because you dont have anything between your ears. You are really very stupid.

Deevagaran said...

Nice journalism Nuraina. For someone who has been a journalist for 30 years, we would expect you to know the difference between a law and an incident. Right? That University of California 'incident' that you linked to your 'we can't protest in the US!' line just made me lament the standard of journalism in our country. Please, do some research, i.e. the thing that real journalists do, and look up 'Protesting' and you'll see the US up there among the most accommodating countries when it comes to protests and rallies. And En. Rashidi, its not the US Police, its the UC (University of California) Police. Methinks, Ambiga's reference to Myanmar's Bill was more of a 'Hey, even though they (The Myanmarese Government) might not be sincere, but they sure as hell know how to sugar-coat things'

Fine, lets leave it at that, since I think I've made my point with that issue.

Secondly, I don't see any reference to BERSIH 2.0, but I guess you would be out of a job if you participated in that one too, or even gave it a slightly positive report about it as you did with BERSIH 1.0 (which was 0.1 in your article, typo or sarcasm? hopefully the latter).


Deevagaran said...


I like your fixation with petrol stations. Seriously, I do, because you know, we're all afraid some protestor will come up with Petronas RON 95 Molotov Cocktails to burn some honest and hardworking police officer manning the ramparts right? Seriously, now your suggestions are getting a very 'Harian Metro' tinge to it. Well I guess, sex and violence sells, which is why Harian is the top paper in the country, but hey, who am I to judge a newspaper huh?
Perakian, a nice and long comment indeed, and I'm proud to read such a strong argument froma fellow 'silver-stater'. Ultimately though, your arguments are flawed. First of all, fight for the rights of Muslims and Malays? Come on man (or woman), I'd go and post a message that says 'Hindu to become PM of Malaysia tomorrow with some clever arm-twisting and aided by loopholes in the Constitution'. You know what will happen the next day?

'Jangan Cabar Kami'
'Pantang Islam dicabar'
'Ini Tanah Melayu, milik Melayu'
'Islam harus memerintah, bukan diperintah'

Oh thats not the banners of some protestors, that the headlines that will be running in Utusan Melayu (or is it Malaysia, I'm confused), Berita Harian, Harian Metro, MASTIKA, etc. There is just too many 'instant heroes' for Islam and Malay rights that its, frankly, getting a bit nauseating. I doubt Dato' Ambiga would have the space to be able to stick her finger into that pie. About her not commending the Government for doing SOME good, do understand, we're talking about a 50 y.o. government, not a bunch of first-timers who require a pat on the back for every small deed done. And the I'm sure your teacher wouldn't have said, well done Perakian, even though you got 35 wrongs out of 50 and failed the subject, at least you've got 15 correct answers. Far from that actually, you'd be receiving the hair-dryer treatment ala Sir Alex Ferguson. Does that mean the teacher (or Sir Alex for that matter) hates that person? Come on, its a cliché question, so I'm not going to elaborate on that or even tie it back to Dato' Ambiga, oh hell no, I definitely wouldn't want to insult your intelligence.

It's funny you'd mention such Instant Millionaires such as Anwar (who's already made his millions when in UMNO....wait a minute, what are you trying to suggest Perakian??) and Ronnie Liu but forget to mention Hee Yit Foong? Yes, that woman, who now owns 10 different businesses since crossing to the other side of the meadow. The grass is indeed much more greenback.. i mean much more greener eh?

And to end this (finally, phew!)
I loved how you lackadaisically posted this gem of a paragraph:
'What if the ultra-Malays or the Muslim leftists take on to the streets in Malay-dominated areas because they are not happy, for example, that a temple is being built there?'
They did, carrying a severed cow's head, to the MB's office, and were protected by the police. The protest leaders were also recorded saying there would be blood if a temple was constructed in Shah Alam (source: Wikipedia). Only three were arrested and charged, AFTER nearly 12 days of unnecessary investigation. I rest my case.

Sekian, Majulah Sukan untuk Negara.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deevagaran said...

I don't know why you didn't sign-off on my earlier comment, but here it is again:

Nice journalism Nuraina. For someone who has been a journalist for 30 years, we would expect you to know the difference between a law and an incident. Right? That University of California 'incident' that you linked to your 'we can't protest in the US!' line just made me lament the standard of journalism in our country. Please, do some research, i.e. the thing that real journalists do, and look up 'Protesting' and you'll see the US up there among the most accommodating countries when it comes to protests and rallies. And En. Rashidi, its not the US Police, its the UC (University of California) Police. Methinks, Ambiga's reference to Myanmar's Bill was more of a 'Hey, even though they (The Myanmarese Government) might not be sincere, but they sure as hell know how to sugar-coat things'

Fine, lets leave it at that, since I think I've made my point with that issue.

Secondly, I don't see any reference to BERSIH 2.0, but I guess you would be out of a job if you participated in that one too, or even gave it a slightly positive report about it as you did with BERSIH 1.0 (which was 0.1 in your article, typo or sarcasm? hopefully the latter).


Deevagaran said...


I like your fixation with petrol stations. Seriously, I do, because you know, we're all afraid some protestor will come up with Petronas RON 95 Molotov Cocktails to burn some honest and hardworking police officer manning the ramparts right? Seriously, now your suggestions are getting a very 'Harian Metro' tinge to it. Well I guess, sex and violence sells, which is why Harian is the top paper in the country, but hey, who am I to judge a newspaper huh?
Perakian, a nice and long comment indeed, and I'm proud to read such a strong argument froma fellow 'silver-stater'. Ultimately though, your arguments are flawed. First of all, fight for the rights of Muslims and Malays? Come on man (or woman), I'd go and post a message that says 'Hindu to become PM of Malaysia tomorrow with some clever arm-twisting and aided by loopholes in the Constitution'. You know what will happen the next day?

'Jangan Cabar Kami'
'Pantang Islam dicabar'
'Ini Tanah Melayu, milik Melayu'
'Islam harus memerintah, bukan diperintah'

Oh thats not the banners of some protestors, that the headlines that will be running in Utusan Melayu (or is it Malaysia, I'm confused), Berita Harian, Harian Metro, MASTIKA, etc. There is just too many 'instant heroes' for Islam and Malay rights that its, frankly, getting a bit nauseating. I doubt Dato' Ambiga would have the space to be able to stick her finger into that pie. About her not commending the Government for doing SOME good, do understand, we're talking about a 50 y.o. government, not a bunch of first-timers who require a pat on the back for every small deed done. And the I'm sure your teacher wouldn't have said, well done Perakian, even though you got 35 wrongs out of 50 and failed the subject, at least you've got 15 correct answers. Far from that actually, you'd be receiving the hair-dryer treatment ala Sir Alex Ferguson. Does that mean the teacher (or Sir Alex for that matter) hates that person? Come on, its a cliché question, so I'm not going to elaborate on that or even tie it back to Dato' Ambiga, oh hell no, I definitely wouldn't want to insult your intelligence.

It's funny you'd mention such Instant Millionaires such as Anwar (who's already made his millions when in UMNO....wait a minute, what are you trying to suggest Perakian??) and Ronnie Liu but forget to mention Hee Yit Foong? Yes, that woman, who now owns 10 different businesses since crossing to the other side of the meadow. The grass is indeed much more greenback.. i mean much more greener eh?

And to end this (finally, phew!)
I loved how you lackadaisically posted this gem of a paragraph:
'What if the ultra-Malays or the Muslim leftists take on to the streets in Malay-dominated areas because they are not happy, for example, that a temple is being built there?'
They did, carrying a severed cow's head, to the MB's office, and were protected by the police. The protest leaders were also recorded saying there would be blood if a temple was constructed in Shah Alam (source: Wikipedia). Only three were arrested and charged, AFTER nearly 12 days of unnecessary investigation. I rest my case.

Sekian, Majulah Sukan untuk Negara.

Anonymous said...

If anyone feels that this country, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, is not good enough, pack and leave. No need to stay and create trouble. If you glorify the British so much, go to Downing Street and beg for citizenship.And see if you can get one. Be grateful you are here.

Anonymous said...

We live by values and the values we live by are worth more when we pass them on.

It's just simple. We want to promote positive and constructive values. These values will lead us to 'noble values'.

Well, we should ask Ambiga, what does a value looks like?

She should create an image and show us what a value of her looks like!!!

Malaysian 2020

YB Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan said...

Well written piece.

Another point.

Initially the opposition and Bersih demanded their right to be heard and their right to assemble. Both rights are sufficiently provided for in the Peaceful Assembly Act 201. But to my disappointment, they now ask for their right to assemble anywhere they want!

Shifting the goal post?

Anonymous said...

why pick on ambiga....how about everything else that is going around you NS?

when our leaders cop out when faced with wrongs and say 'let the people decide' as though they themselves don't know right from wrong!

Anonymous said...

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His article is very useful.
Don't forget to visit my blog too.

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To the coward who made a malicious remark against me: can you please come see me and say it to my face.
Sorry, I cannot publish your accusation.



fixation with petrol station? only because ambiga made mention of it, as a comparison.
and while we're on the subject, i, as a malaysian, wouldn't want protesters to be near any petrol station, not only because of the safety factor but also because it would be a real nuisance.
there are many like you, deevagran. at least from what you write. Honestly, I don't know you so I shan't make any judgment on or of you. and, you don't know me.
whatever your views...well...they're yours.


the restrictions in the peaceful assembly bill are not repressive. Really.
i agree, "they all" want to assemble anywhere and hold street protests anywhere, WITHOUT any restrictions. How's that?
Freedom without any restrictions. And then you'll hear them quoting something about their fundamental right to assemble.


anon@7:43PM: Tsk tsk Tsk....and how would you know that?

Anonymous said...


I believe you are the epitome of what facing educated Indians in Malaysia. Hypocrite is the best word to describe you. You actually condemned the cow protesters but ignored your fellow Indians in Hindraf and the kinds of vocabularies they used to attack Malay Muslims in Malaysia. Any chance the term "ultra-Indian" will be attached to your fellow Indians? Or given your hypocrisy, Indians could never be racists, only Malays could?

Malaysians have no problem with a Hindu being the PM of Malaysia. Malays in Malaysia have been voting for Hindus since 1950s. Convince them that you are capable of leading Malaysia and perhaps they will give you a chance. Please don't demand the seat when you are incapable of convincing more than 10% of Malaysians that you deserve the position. There's DAP for you, there's PKR for you. Go and convince people, don't demand a position.

If people like you and Ambiga who are so used to condemning Malaysia and Malays plan to be the PM of Malaysia and received no support from the Malays, it's not the fault of the Malays, it's your and her faults. Learn that first.