Thursday, January 24, 2008


Former Cabinet Minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub passed away after "subuh" today. He was 65.
He had been battling prostrate cancer for some two years.

Megat Junid was the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister between 1997 and 1999 and Deputy Home Affairs Minister for 11 years before that.

He was also Umno information chief.

He was also active in sports associations and headed the Malaysian contingent for the Jakarta South-East Asian Games in 1997.

He leaves behind two wives, Faizah Shuaib and Ziela Jalil, as well as five children -- three sons and two daughters.

My condolences to his family.



According to Bernama, Arwah was buried at the Bukit Kiara Muslim cemetery after Zuhr prayers.
Here's the Bernama story.


Anonymous said...


Bailey said...


i'm shock.

may Allah bless his soul.

Anonymous said...

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un.
Al Fatehah. Semoga ditempatkan bersama mereka yang beriman.

Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah. My condolences to the family. I wonder where the body will be buried. Bkt Kiara perhaps?

BaitiBadarudin said...

Inalillah, and al-fatihah for Allahyarham's soul.

Anonymous said...

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un.

May Arwah be placed amongst the solihin. AlFatihah.

Rockybru said...


i remember many run-ins with the arwah when he was deputy minister. but after he retired, we could sit down at functions and just chat. he was quite open with reporters. if i'm not mistaken, he was in charge of the country's legal affairs (what we know as defective defacto law minister in the pak lah era) and was massively popular with the lawyers, also because of his openness.

megat was a great source of news for journalists.

my condolences to his family.

Pak Zawi said...

Everyone will meet his maker one day.
My condolence to his Family.
The lawyer Christopher Fernando passed away too recently. My condolence to his family too.

Anonymous said...

Happened to be at ss7 ,Kelana Jaya , Nurul Yaqin mesjid for zohor.Met with a horde of police personnel outside,some making ablution and some standing in line . The mesjid is packed to almost like Jumaat prayers.Obviuosly those who come to ziarah Arwah outnumbered the local residence.Among them are VIPs and UMNO stalwarts.
Right in front in the 1st saf was Tan Sri Khalil Yaacob.There was Dato Aziz Samsudin, Dato Mukhriz, Dato Nor Mohamed and KJ was also there with Dato Azeez always very close beside him. And there are many other familiar faces whom I could not name.
Nevertheless lets hope with the large crowd who made the 'Solat Jenazah' ..ALLAH will bestow Rahmat upon the Arwah...Amin..

Nora aka Anon Fm Miri said...

Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Roji'un.

zaitgha said...


Anonymous said...

Good Luck facing your maker. you will need loads of it