Sunday, July 01, 2007

Full Moon

I was leaving Kuala Kangsar at about 9 last night when Kak Nor looked up the sky and told me how full and bright the moon was.
We all looked up. Heavenly.
When was the last time I saw a full moon, I couldn't remember. Kak Nor then pointed up to the northern star.
"Is that really the northern star?," I asked.
Was it me or was the night a little bright.
On the drive back to KL -- like children Mia and I said excitedly, "the moon is following us".
Teenagers Shaira and Liyana, retorted: "yeah, right..."
But the moon followed me. I could see it right up there. From my doorstep.

Read about yesterday's full moon here.


  1. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Kak Ena, I saw the full moon last night too. A bit too big I thought, but beautiful as always.

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I saw it too, I saw it tooo!! hahaha..

    and the best part was, I didnt have to get out of my bed to enjoy its wonderment.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I did something on about the moon being the lowest on the horizon this weekend compared to the whole year.
    That it will be a time of illusion and mind play for those observing and who think they are being observed closely by the moon.


  4. I saw a North Star 10 years ago and has not lost sight of it ever since ... Ain't that something.

  5. Oh.. I heard about that full moon but did not check it out last night. The sun goes down about 10pm here (in Germany) these days. By that time I am indoors, with shutters down and blogging. :)
    Got to make an effort to check it out tonight (still the weekend, right?) :D

  6. You people are not very observant are you? If you had looked carefully you would have seen me playing golf there.

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Dearest Kakak,

    I saw it too, right form my balcony. It was heavenly. Take care

  8. Norzu: You did? Brilliant, wasn't? If you read the article which I had linked, you will know why the moon APPEARED bigger than it really was.
    thanks for visiting.
    Mee rebus tomoro?

    Kerp: hahhaa... didn't u feel like just reaching out to the moon?
    did you see the moon's face? like a smiling craggy old man. check that out, kerp.

    Howlwolf: yes....that's right. u can stop howling now...

  9. JT: Hope you'e able to catch the full moon, Jacqui.It's brilliant..

    Elviza: aaah.... can make your night moe romantic, Elviza. I hear strange things happen on nights of the full moon.....

    Nak Tak Nak: I saw you, I saw you.....a damn good hole-in-one...

  10. ahirudin (rocky) :
    aint that something.

  11. old folks said crab meat is full during the full moon so i ended up buying crabs yesterday....i cooked hot spicey crabs he he...yummy....n yes the moon is very bright these couple of nights.....

  12. may my night will be brighter just like the moon????

  13. To be on a more serious note. I love to just look at the moon. I don't know why but there is some kind of a pull that it has on me. No I don't know much about it other than the usual it has no gravity stuff but I just get a kick looking at it. I hope that doesn't make me a 'gila punya olang'.

  14. Anonymous11:47 PM

    no worries cikgu. i did the same too last night. i wanted to get a clearer view that i turned the bed-side lamp as well as the tele off. it didnt help much but i was in awe at its brightness that i stared for quite some time.

    and no, didnt see any smiley face la pn nuraina.

    err..witch on broom would be an interesting sighting.
